Scott "Scout" Dean



3 years, 7 months ago


Age: 22

Birthday: June 29th

Height: 5'7

Nature: Naughty

Characteristic: Good perseverance 

Seiyuu: TBD

Voice Actor: TBD 

Biography: Scout is a Sceptile from Lavaridge Town in Hoenn. He and Muddy became friends very quickly in childhood and eventually brought Amy into the fold of their friendship group as well. As a child, he was a bit of a slacker in class, often ending up in detention due to missing homework projects and the like and being unable to really pay attention in class. Unbeknownst to him, he has ADHD, albeit still undiagnosed as he tries to shrug it off. In his final year of middle school, his parents divorced, his mom remaining in Lavaridge, while his dad moved to Fallarbor Town, and he was split spending half the year in Lavaridge and the other half in Fallarbor. In Fallarbor, he met his soon-to-be girlfriend, Aria, who was drawn to the truant bad-boy image he was beginning to cultivate, and the two spent their time ditching class together for various reasons.