HAWK's Comments

If this fella ever ends up goin back round for offers I could do a fullbody n' a bust for em! 

I'll be sure to let you know if they do !! :^D <3

Thank you poopy <3

Haven't gotten any response from the original holdee- so if you're still interested I'm happy to give it to you!! :^)

Yeah, I’m still interested! I’ll start on the art for you :]

Thank you so much !! :^D <3!!!

AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3<3<3 They turned out sooooo great!!! Your style is really unmatched, absolutely obsessed with your lineart and the awesome way you use shapes. Can't stop looking at them ITS SO COOLLL AHHH THANK YOU AGAIN!!! :^D <3<3<3 Sent a transfer your way!

1 Replies

Could I offer 2 sketches for Lice'legs and Bat'ear?

Yes!! I will put them on hold for you :^)

Are you still interested in these designs? :^)

Yep should have the art done soon

Bumping this again!! I've got another offer for Licelegs. I'll give you until October the 7th if you still want to offer a sketch for them!

Since I havenr heard anything I'm going to go ahead and put both of them back up for offers. No hard feelings, I just want to get them to someone who wants them.