Would you take pings / offers?

Heya! I would love to buy this design if they are still up for grabs!

Does anyone in my th interest you for them? :0

I’m afraid not, I’m sorry!

i can throw out this guy and some art? if not no worries ^^

I’m afraid I’m not huge on CS but thank you for the offer!

Does anyone on my TH interest you? Happy to offer charas. In my main too ^^ 

I didn’t see anyone in this TH, which one is your main? Sorry I’m hard of sight so I tend to miss things ;w;

Ah no worries!

I meant my mains folder :D 

Ah I didn’t see anyone then, I’m sorry! Thank you for offering, though!

No worries ^^ Thanks for looking! Xx


I can offer:
Anyone from here

i may be willing to offer multiple, depending on who you like, if anyone! :>

I didn’t see anyone, sorry!

you're fine, thank you for looking!