"Mama" Stufle Buttun



3 years, 10 months ago


Yoinking from: https://www.deviantart.com/larkorthenightingale/art/Blank-Homestuck-OC-Sheet-Thing-314506278 until i get around coding these trolls officially

Basic Information
  • Name: Stufle Buttun
    • Nicknames: Mama
  • Species: Troll
  • Gender: Female (She/Her)
  • Age: Adult
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Sexuaility: Bisexual
  • Blood color: Jade
    • Powers/Abilities: [N/A]
  • Symbol: No longer uses a symbol.
    • Extended Zodiac Symbol: Virsci||Sign of The Alchemist
  • Lusus: [N/A]
  • Ancestor: The Matron
  • Hive: A several storied, heavily grub proof hive in a rual area.
  • Horns: Small round horns on the top of her head.
  • Trolltag: caretakingStuffie [CS]
  • Quirk: Capitalizing first letter of some words for emphasis.
  • Personality: A gentle loving troll, who spends her time caring from grubs and lusii who come her way. Dispite her being good with grubs and lusii she is not nearly as good with trolls, and is quite nervous and anxious around them.

Quad Information
  • Matesprit: —
  • Kismesis: —
  • Moirail: —
  • Auspistice: —

Sgrub Information
  • Derse or Prospit?: Prospit
  • Fetch Modus: House Modus
  • Strife Specibus: QuarterstaffKind, SewingKind, NeedleKind.
  • Weapon: A basic collapsable quarter staff, Big sharpened needle attached to her dress.
  • Game Entry Item: —
  • Sprite: —
  • Exile: —
  • Server Player: ---
  • Client Player: ---
  • Title: Sylph of Life
  • Active or Passive?:
  • Medium: Land of Hills and Toil [LOHAT]
  • Denizen: —