


7 years, 2 months ago


Farore was born to a clan chieftain in a great forest, though in years to come many would comment that her close connection to her homeland made the little hatchling seem like a nature spirit herself. From the moment she left her egg she has been a fearless, free spirit. This has caused her father more than a few headaches, as he needed a heir and Farore hatched to the job.

In an effort to escape his long lectures and boring lessons, the young imperial would often sneak to the edge of the great forest and spend her days exploring nature. It was on one of these escapades that she ran into another imperial - but not one of her tribe.

No, this other imperial did not smell of the forest, or find leaves tangled in his mane. His scales were a dark gray, his wings a patterned blue - not the colors of her family. He was from another tribe, an empire whose territory bordered theirs. Yet this little dragon, introducing himself as Tranth, had more in common with Farore than it seemed; he was also fleeing responsibilities, looking for a freer place to spend his time. Kindred souls made a pact: they would meet there as much as possible, no matter what anyone else did or said. And a friendship was born.

Time passed, and Farore grew into a proud young female, never losing her hatchling-like spark. And despite her growing responsibilities within her tribe, she always found the time to sneak away and meet up with Tranth.

Yet the other imperial didn’t seem to have such luck. Slowly, their time together began to subside as he grew more distant, more somber, more grounded. Finally, Tranth abandoned their meeting place altogether. Yet a grieving Farore still found herself sneaking away every once and awhile, praying to the deities that she would find him waiting.

Though her father tried his best to mold his daughter in his image, he realized as she grew that she would be a great leader in her own way - not by his rules, nor anyone else’s. He finally stepped down in his old age, conceding the chief position to Farore. Tensions were growing with the neighboring kingdom, and their tribe needed a younger, stronger leader than him.

In a last-ditch effort to preserve peace, Farore organized a peace talk with the threatening kingdom. They met on the border of her forest and their barren land, not far from where she used to play hooky from her lessons and meet with Tranth. The royal delegation arrived, heads held high and wings spread.

And standing before her, in the center of the group, wearing the king’s crown, was Tranth.

Now governing a rocky peace, it is up to Farore not only to manage her own kingdom, but to rekindle the spark Tranth lost.