Leslie Salazar⭐



3 years, 6 months ago




Leslie Salazar Yoon




Cis Male








Neutral Evil









Yes, you died. Now leave me alone.

Due to some communication problems, Leslie can convey the image of someone apathetic and rude, being considered even a bully by colleagues, but in reality he just doesn't know how to choose his words and makes bad choices, only worsening his image. He is used to being alone most of the time and is always listening to something in his earpods, even while talking to someone.

The reason for the earpods is because Leslie has the ability to see and hear ghosts, which has become a headache over the years and these days he just prefers to ignore the hauntings that surround him and have a quieter day, but that changed when he met Fleur, which helped him to be more friendly.









  • Don't forget his eyebags
  • He never wears colorful clothes
  • He's always with earphones.









Leslie always tries to analyze the situation before making any decision, whether trivial or risky, but he still seems like a problem magnet, as, well, a simple choice of a shortcut led him to an unexpected criminal investigation.

He has a very sarcastic mood, gets annoyed very easily and is easily embarrassed too, as he is not used to dealing with his own emotions. Despite everything he has a lot of patience and knows how to ignore someone very well, after years of dealing with ghosts, since he was little.

  • Animals
  • Horror Movies
  • Urbexing
  • Metal Music
  • Sing
  • The Ghosts
  • Sunny Days
  • People

Leslie was born to a complicated couple, his father was an alcoholic and violent, his mother, Ava, was submissive to her husband but protected her son from physical abuse. His ability was inherited from his mother, who had severe paranoia and developed psychological disorders that worsened over time, he never learned to deal correctly with this heritage, just completely ignoring its existence during the short and hellish period he lived with his biological parents .

Due to the trauma, Leslie doesn't remember his time before the orphanages, but has flashes of memory that show he was rescued at the age of 4 in critical condition, he was also told that his mother had died and his father had disappeared from the map.

Despite everything, Leslie was always a quiet child, and had characteristics that caught the attention of families visiting the orphanage, so it didn't take long for him to be adopted for the first time, and to be returned soon after. Apparently, the fact that he was talking to himself frightened couples who promptly returned him out of fear, or because they thought the boy was sick. In isolated cases, he was abused by adoptive families as well, who believed they could make him “stop” talking to himself. He never lasted long with these families.

Over the years, he continued to deal with these “temporary adoptions” and kept closing in more and more and talking less and less, always hiding from potential adopters.

When Leslie turned twelve, a man came to the orphanage and he was very different from previous adopters. Not least because Leslie couldn't hide this time, and the man, who was called Frank, found him and was enchanted by the boy, so even with the boy's failed attempts to distance himself from his future father, he was adopted for the last time.

Life with Frank

The first few months were very restless, Leslie was ready to be returned at any time and Frank was still grieving his wife, at first it was difficult for Leslie to develop trust with Frank, it was a lengthy process that demanded a lot of patience from the eldest .

Frank knew the boy was hiding something, and when he found out about the ability to see ghosts it all clicked into place, Frank was the first adult who didn't judge Leslie, believing and supporting the boy, teaching him how to deal with the hauntings with therapies, dialogue, and mostly music.

The first gift he received from his father was a pair of earpods and several playlists for the boy to listen to, although most of the songs were some rock or heavy music, as it was the kind of music that Frank listened to, they soothed Leslie, who ended up losing his fear of the specters.

These playlists built the musical taste and style of Leslie, who quickly became a mini-copy of Frank, with similar clothes and posture, and were also the main reason why he started singing, mumbling melodies and learning lyrics as a hobby.

As time went by and the two of them lived together, a good father-son relationship developed, and Leslie finally found a home to which he could return.


in addition to singing, Leslie also enjoyed walking around the city, exploring abandoned buildings and even learning parkour in the process.

When he turned 16, he started helping Frank in his Petshop, as he always liked animals, and apparently the fluffy customers seemed to like him too.

Leslie has always seen himself alone at school, he even prefers it that way, as he never got along with words, so he was used to being isolated, even though he didn't admit he felt a little bad about it, he never had a real friend.

One day, Leslie decided to change the path to return home and ended up passing through an alleyway, a scream overlapping the loud music he was listening to, making him turn around and face a ghost girl who, very confused, was gesturing for he took off his earpods. In the end, Fleur, the girl, did not know how she had died and asked for his help, which he promptly refused. It took months with the ghost on his tail, always looking for a crack in that wall of contempt to help her. It worked in the end, after much insistence on her part, now he needed to help Fleur find out how she died and where the hell her body was.

Besides Fleur, his best friend, he also made a very strong friendship with Glen, who invited him to be the vocalist of the band he was part of,the band Ghosts in Town, thus joining the group, becoming equally close.

Reconciling the band's rehearsals, plus the investigation, work and the unexpected hobby of running away from Lucas, his crush at school, was exhausting, but Leslie enjoyed this chaotic everyday life (Let's not forget the stalker murderer who follow him too).

  • His idea came after I had just seen Paranorman, and I had the idea to create an emo boy who sees ghosts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Leslie studied French under the influence of Fleur and apparently he is very attractive when he speaks-
  • Despite being short, Leslie never cared about it, it's even convenient, especially when he has to go through narrow places on his explorations.

Frank [Father]

"He was the only one who believed in me, without even questioning it, and that means a lot to me. He's an amazing father."

Lucas [Boyfriend]

"It was common for me to run away whenever I saw him, I couldn't deal with the fact that I really... liked him a lot at that time. Just talking about him makes me smile like an idiot, and if he saw my face right now, he would definitely kiss me immediately... and i would return."

Fleur [Best Friend]

"I need to find her body. She's done a lot for me and this is the least I can do for her. Most of the time she's annoying but I like her a lot...Besides her being my first friend... You know?"

Glen [Best Friend]

"At first he was unbearable! He wouldn't get off my back... But over time I realized that he's actually a really cool guy... And it was through him that I met the others in the band."

Matt [Friend]

"Matt is calm and quiet, but not in the uncomfortable way. He's also really smart and plays keyboards really well... Uhh, he just gets a little strange when Fleur's around, i wonder if he can see her too."

Faith [Friend]

"I feel that if I need anything she can help me, even if it's illegal... For real."

Wallace [Friend]

"He's weird. And I haven't heard a word from him, but he's good company, and also plays fucking well."

Ava [Birth Mother]

"I appreciate her effort to protect me i wish she was okay today, but that's not the case... I've never seen her ghost either, it would be nice if she showed up."

code by icecreampizzer
art by @ user, @ user | images from website, @ user, etc