Idris Solomon



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Previous Names

Idris Ángel Santana (born as)


El Diablo (commonly referred to during his infamous crime spree with his partner, Domino)


Ninety-three years old.

Date of Birth

November 13th, 1924

Date of Death





Hellborn Demon, previously a warlock, then a vampire.



Gender Identity

Male, he/him.




Co-owns a gang in Granite's slums, general criminal, previously was a lieutenant in an organised crime syndicate (1930s-1940s), prior to that was a civil engineer/aspiring artist.

Significant Other

Domino Mori


Lautaro Satana (father, deceased), Isaac Santana (younger brother, deceased)


A Hellborn demon who runs a gang in Granite alongside his partner in crime Domino, the purpose of which is purely to spread as much chaos as possible. He is extremely adept at fire based magic and typically uses that as his signature, but also knows a fair amount of other types of magic.

In life, Idris was born as a warlock - specifically a pyroturgist - raised by his father, as his mother passed away shortly after giving birth to her second son, Isaac. Idris was very close to his family, particularly his little brother, who he threw himself into work for after he was found to have a severe autoimmune disease, which would likely kill him if left untreated. Being from quite a poor family, they did not have nearly enough money to pay for Isaac's treatments, so Idris eventually turned to crime to try and save his little brother. This, alongside dealings with loan sharks, ended up forcing him to flee his hometown, trying to lay low in a supernatural city a few miles from Granite, despite hating being disconnected from his family. It was here that he fell victim to an attack by a vampire, who then turned him in a panic when they realised what they'd done. 

By the time Idris was able to return, he was met with the news that both his brother and father had perished - Isaac from his failing health, and his father from a heart attack not long after. Filled with grief and only the shattered remains of a life left, Idris struggled to try and keep himself afloat, haunted by the knowledge that his past would soon catch up with him. He fell into a life of crime, becoming involved in an organized crime syndicate in Granite, where he worked his way up to the rank of liuentenant, hardening his heart and focusing solely on survival. By his late twenties he was well respected among his peers, having become quite a feared figure, known for his sharp mind and utter ruthlessness wherever business was concerned.

After a bank robbery gone wrong, Idris met Domino - a local doctor, who he sought out after being shot. Finding his magic to be impressive and incredibly useful, Idris took him hostage and brought him back to the gang's headquarters, 'offering' him a job as the gang's doctor. Oddly enough, Idris took quite a shine to him, and began to show Domino a more fast paced and fun lifestyle, bringing out an entirely new side to him. The two hit it off surprisingly well, and before long began dating officially. 

Eventually, after an unfortunate encounter with a demon in the early 1940s, Idris and Domino became trapped in one of His magical 'dungeons' - alternate planes of reality that often were warped into dangerous fantasy worlds. While here, Idris and Domino were forced to protect themselves from the other captives that were fighting for their lives, the nature of the dungeon twisting them both into ruthless, cold survivalists, flourishing against the odds and building up a following, becoming some of the most dangerous people in the dungeon. After not too long, He grew bored of this, and used mind magic to twist Domino's mind and make him fall in love with Him, completely and utterly breaking Idris's heart. 

He pitted Idris and Domino against eachother, the two becoming bitter enemies right up until their death, where Domino killed Idris with a poison dagger, only mere minutes before being killed himself, finally free of the magic to attack Him in blind grief. The two went to Hell and were quickly demonised, only reuniting for the common goal of breaking out of Hell. Their relationship remained very strained up until this point, with Idris habouring a lot of bitterness and resentment towards him, his animosity only fuelled by the fact that Domino's 'betrayal' was the main thing that demonised him. After breaking out of Hell, alongside a few other demons that would go on to form their gang, they remained together to go on a crime spree that spanned several decades, finding at the very least they still worked incredibly well together. This was brought to an end when they were eventually caught and imprisoned while in Spain, where they were again broken out with the help of Brienda Ibarra, another inmate who would go on to become one of their most trusted liuetenants. 

Only a few years before the present day, they returned once again to Granite, trying to track Him down to get their revenge for everything he did to them, setting up their own gang in the slums and deciding to try and mess with the other gangs in the area as much as possible. 

Despite the fact that Idris is still very much in love with Domino, he still hasn't allowed their relationship to return to the way it was, unable to bring himself to face the possibility of feeling that pain for a second time.