
Ven Aldair

I've done some stupid stuff in my life. I am in no way a role model, so stop comparing me to one.

  • Name Ven Aldair
  • Age 28
  • Height 6'2"
  • Occupation Daycare worker
  • Sexuality Panramantic Asexual
  • Personality

    Ven is a literal enigma some days. The man has a resting bitchface that gives off vibes that he's a shortfuse. In reality he suffers from severe insomnia causing lack of sleep. He's in this constant state of tired and some days his brain is literally fried.

    He's come a long way from his days in Team Rocket, however, his personality reflecting that of the teenager he was before joining Team Rocket. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and would give the jacket off his back if someone was in need. A downside to him is he can have a short fuse.

  • Appearance

    Tall and slightly muscular build, steel gray eyes, crimson red hair that's cut short and neat for low maintainence, bags under his eyes, scars on chest, surgery scar on left shoulder

  • Likes Taking care of the mons at the Daycare, Warmth, Xander, Lazuli, Tea, Summer, Drawing
  • Dislikes Lance, the cold, Winter, bitter things
  • Backstory

    Some backstory thus far:
    Born to wealthy parents in Saffron City, Ven led a rather lavish, spoiled, yet sheltered life. Ven spent a lot of time by himself or with some sort of babysitter, meaning his childhood was spent mostly alone.
    He spent alot of his younger years with tutors teaching him various things, and picking up on things rather quickly. The boy was considered a prodigy; picking up things quickly. There was however, one issue in the way: a young Ven had a dream of becoming a Pokemon trainer; much to his parents dismay. They didn't want to send their only child out into such a dangerous place. So a deal was placed. 'Go to school, and when you're done and still want to become a Pokemon trainer then we'll talk'
    The young boy was sent to medical school to become a Pokemon doctor at the ripe age of 12, where he has spent the next 5 years getting the Doctor degree. Still determined to become a Pokemon trainer, a now 17 year old Ven demands he go out on a journey as he was more interested in a journey where he could become his own person, and learn to live life away from a lavish, spoiled lifestyle.
    Reluctant, but knowing that they lost this battle, the Aldairs caved, agreeing to let their son go out on the journey that he so desperately wanted. As such, a brown and cream egg was purchased as well as a Pokedex, and some Pokeballs, a noteable one being a Moonball from Johto, as a present for the teen. He was able to start his journey once the egg was hatched and he and his new partner were ready to go.
    On Valentines day, a silver furred Eevee emerged from the egg, bonding with the young man instantly. The Eevee; whom Ven named Xander, became Ven's starter Pokemon, and the duo flew out to Viridian City Airport, where their journey would begin.
    From here, Ven managed to capture himself a Pidgeotto (Chika) and a Pikachu (Raiden) on his way to Pewter city where he landed a Boulder badge after only his second attempt from the leader, Flint.
    After getting stuck in Mount Moon for a couple weeks Ven had made his way to Cerluean City where he challenged the gym leader, a woman by the name of Rose.
    Feeling confident, Ven went north of the city to train up his team for the next gym battle when he runs into a man clad in a black and gray uniform with a stark red 'R' on the front. The man promised Ven a chance to go far, travel and be part of something great, and piquing his interest, Ven agrees to join this 'Team Rocket' because what the best way to figure out your own way in life...right?
    Not really knowing what he was getting into, Ven's stubbornness kept him within the team, where he went from an innocent teenager, to a ruthless theif. . 

    Currently Ven and Xander both live at the route 34 daycare just outside Goldenrod city where both also work as daycare workers, putting their lives as criminals behind them. Ven wants to leave the past in the past, a constant fear of getting arrested and locked away for his past crimes always lingering in the back of his mind. His other companion who works at the daycare with him is currently away.
    Due to his past Ven has trouble with his sleep, either sleeping 11+ hours a day, or sleeping all of 20 minutes to an hour a night, he has developed severe sleep insomnia, anxiety, and depression. As such, days just blend together for him somedays and as a result he's just stopped caring about himself. He won't shower for days, won't eat some days, is usually seen sporting some sort of dishelved look, and while he should be wearing glasses because he can't see very well, chooses not to, as the ones he had ended up breaking. It does seem however, that he has been starting to take some time to see a doctor, and has recently been perscribed medication to try and get his life together.
    Voice Claim: Shawn Mendez

  • Xander Partner Pokemon

    Xander was hatched from an egg Ven received from his parents. They have been together for 10 years

  • [Redacted] Colleague

    [Redacted] Took a chance on Ven when he was still in Team Rocket, seeing the love the cold hearted man had for his Pokemon. He was broken and dangerous, but he needed help, so a chance was taken with him.

  • Lazuli On Ven's team, not a battle mon

    Xander found Lazuli in the Pokemon mansion on Cinnibar island... You should probably ask why they were there in the first place ;)

  • Trivia
    • ● Is near and far sighted and can only see shapes without his glasses. He's too lazy to get new glasses
    • ● Stole a Shiny Charm during some point of his time working for Team Rocket and carries it on him
    • ● Ven started hormone replacement therapy at age 10, after being insistant all his life that he was born in the wrong body and was adamant on wearing boy clothes. As such he never started female puberty and does not have top surgery scars.
    • ● Ven was an admin in Team Rocket and utilized his degree to help both the Mewtwo project and lead the Shiny Pokemon project.
    • ● While he understands Pokemon, he struggles to fully understand them from time to time.
    • ● In a right mental state, Ven will sing and dance. He's an okay singer, but doesn't dance very well.

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