


3 years, 7 months ago



 Name Aster Oak

 Called Oakley

 Gender Male

 Species Deerdog

 Height 4 ft (paws-head)

 VOICE Joseph Morgan (Klaus) 


Design Notes:
  • Sad boy
  • Bandages on his legs are not opt
  • Markings can be slightly simplified
  • Lights on his antlers must always be lit up
  • Neck is fully dark brown with cream spots
  • Opt red harness(+bells) and halter
  • His ears go behind his head, not forwards like GSDs and huskies
  • Can be drawn with a deer-like nub tail
  • Canine-like teeth
  • Paws not hooves
  • He has a pigeon that follows him around so he can be drawn with that :D
  • Leaves can be pretty much any combo from red-green

Oakley is a Dhole mixed with a Sika Deer and Belgian Tervuren. He presents mostly as a canine, with the main physical exception being the antlers.

He lives in the lake district and doesn't stray from the boundaries. He prefers spending his time hidden in the forests. He has a laid back and gentle personality, but if someone annoys him or his friends he will flare up instantly.
Oakley used to be a cat, calm and peaceful. He used to have human owners but escaped one day due to their abuse. His owners drilled antlers into his head when he was very young, so he can't remember much of it. He has tried everything to remove them, but they seem to be stuck forever.

In the forests, Nature was scared of Oakley, since he didn't follow usual "cat" standards with the antlers. Everything hated him, ran when they saw him, avoided him at all costs. Nobody wanted to be seen with something that didn't fit in with nature.

He was outcast, and he hated that. Oakley did absolutely everything he could to be liked and accepted. He stained his light fur with mud and he ate many many herbs and berries to get away from a feline look. His tail became larger, his face longer, his teeth sharper. He became taller and stronger, and looked completely different from the self he was running from. This proved to work, since other animals didn't seem so scared by him. Most likely since they saw him as fully deer, not the hybrid cat he used to be.

Since the disguise, he had befriended many other animals. He was respected and liked.

He had a friend, a fox called Cera, who was drawn to him. They did absolutely everything together, Cera never left his side. Cera didn't seem to look into Oakley's past like everyone else did, until she saw the scars on his head from where his antlers were drilled in. She betrayed him. She ran off screaming to the forest that Oakley was a fraud, causing him to be outcast for a second time.

He had given up. He went to his favourite stream and laid down. It was a nice sunny spot, the perfect place to say goodbye to the world. He rested his head on his paws as a cold snowflake landed on his nose. He was confused, since it was only the start of autumn. Looking in the water at his reflection, he could see his once brown eyes fading, glowing brightly as they became purely white. He heard a faint whisper, commanding him to protect the forest and make sure no others ended up like him- exiled and alone.

However, a new take on life has a cost. Oakley can only ever be awake for autumn. From when the aster is dying out to just before the snow starts to fall. He enters a deep hibernation out of his control.
He is constantly searching for snow, to relive the relief and happiness he felt when the snowflake touched his nose. He has been unsuccessful.

The leaves and acorns on his fur were gifts from other woodland animals. They each gifted him one each before he was cast away for a second time. When the snow touched his nose, these became embedded into his skin and regrow like feathers

Lights are tangled around his antlers, symbolizing hope and his new chance at life. They are always lit up since he has never-ending determination for his life. They don't seem like they will go out in the future..

His bandages are from the lives that were lost at his hands.. or paws

 Random fun facts
  • The leaves on his body are those from a northern red oak tree
  • He weighs about 70 kg
  • He sometimes likes to play with birds
  • He communicates using whistles
  • Sika deer prefer to spend their time alone
  • His fur is relatively long for a Dhole
  • "Aster" is a flower that appears at the start of autumn, and dies out before winter
  • He is an extremely good swimmer and climber
  • The lights on his antlers are waterproof
  • His favourite flowers are snowdrops, since every time he awakens he sees them blooming.
  • His favourite plant(?) is bramble! He loves the taste of blackberries
  • He really likes fish when he can catch them, specifically Atlantic salmon and brown trout
  • Original char price - $20
  • Bought for - £22
  • Art worth apprx - +£295
  • Fursuit partial - +£600
  • Plush - +£60
  • Art printout - +£15
    • TOTAL - about £990