Balloon Goon



3 years, 7 months ago


Contestant: El (DA:JaneValentine007)

Name: BalloonGoon!

Powers: BalloonGoon can change sizes by gulping in air, while being small isn't a strong form, it can slip through tight spaces and is an agile fish! Since it has characteristics similar to a balloon, it can propel itself using the air stored and blow enemies away. Not only that, it can even shoot out its poisonous spikes! He could also break off one of his spikes and use it as a weapon since he regrows them quickly.

It doesn't have to puff up with air, it can also store in water, so instead of being floaty, it can smash and bounce - crushing enemies below with its spikes!

While an alien species, it's still a fish, so it has a suit, helpful in storing water on its gills. Also green stripes are cool, fun lil' fact, Walkatrout and BalloonGoon's species may or may not be from the same planet!

**Still happy that BG got honorable mention for the 5 Years Later Fan Alien Contest, I owe Inktank that, I wanna draw more shtuff on their badass comic hehe.**

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AU Otherworld Lore: He's Trigger's nemesis, the big bad of the sewers. Why is he after Trigger? Perhaps like many villains, this one may have been a thug turned into a monster...or maybe they both originated from an alien planet and are enemies to each other's races.