I (old page)



4 years, 11 months ago


georgia, palatino;">female | April 17

year 19 | age 15 | born year 4

Weight | height | type B



Kunoichi | chuunin

lightning release | wind release | sonic boom release

ninjutsu 3  4 4.5
taijutsu 2  3  3.5
genjutsu 0.5 0.5 1.5
intelligence 1.5 2  2.5 
strenth 2  2.5   3
speed 4 4.5 5
stamina 2  2.5 3
hand sign 2  3  4
total 17 22 27


I was born to the head of the Jinrai clan of Kumogakure. her mother had the name I bef0re her. while still in Kumo's ninja academy her family began training her to use their Kekei Genkai sonic boom release. Do to I's careless nature she forgot to use her earplugs when practicing sonic boom release and ended up deafening herself. without hearing she needed to learn another way for people to speak to her. I and her Immediate family learned sign langue so they could still speak with her. after a bit of study, I can also read lips with proficiency. though she showed prowess with her Kekei Genkai in combat she was far less skilled in academic pursuits. I barely managed to graduate the academy by the age of 12.

 last, in her class, I was placed on a team with a younger girl, L who was first in their class and Haruka a boy who recently joined the village. I taught Haruka and L sign language allowing them all to communicate even with their verity of disabilities. I became good friends with both of her teammates.  after some time of training as a team, they took part in a Kumo chunin exam, their team synergy got them to the final tournament. I and L were promoted to Chunin but Haruka stayed a Genin. Haruka transferred to the leaf not long after, I thinks it's because he was jealous of them. she and L now work as two man ninja squad. 


The Jinrai clan is a smaller clan of Kumogakure whose reputation was won in combat using their Kekeigankai Sonic Boom release. the Clans head is I's father, she is currently the heir. Jinrai clan members typically work on three man teams with other Jinrai. they use radio-earplugs so they don't deafen themselves or each other but can still communicate when they have to. most of the clan use whips as their primary weapon as it easily creates sonic booms that their Jutsu's can enhance. 


I is very loud partially because she can't tell how loud she is and partially because she dosesn't care. generally, she is cheerful and friendly. within a few minutes of meeting someone, she has probably already found an admirable trait. (wip)






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