


3 years, 6 months ago


Bought from Humandisaster for $50 on 16.07.2021


Race: Elf

Class: Monk (Way of the Open Hand)

Background: Clan Member (Honeybadger Fighters)

Personality Traits:

  • Disciplined and focused, especially in combat.
  • Loyal to her clan, valuing their traditions and secrecy.
  • Has a dry sense of humor and a keen sense of observation.

Background Feature: Clan Connections Matokka has contacts and allies within her secret Honeybadger Fighters clan, providing her with information and assistance when needed.

Ability Scores:

  • Strength: 12
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Wisdom: 16
  • Charisma: 10


  • Acrobatics
  • Athletics
  • Perception
  • Stealth


  • Common
  • Elvish

Class Features:

  • Unarmored Defense: Matokka's agility and discipline allow her to add her Wisdom modifier to her AC.
  • Martial Arts: Proficient in unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
  • Ki: Matokka can use Ki points to perform special actions, such as Stunning Strike and Patient Defense.


  • A shortsword
  • Darts (x10)
  • Explorer's Pack
  • A set of traveler's clothes
  • A pouch containing 10 gold pieces

Background Equipment:

  • A symbol of her Honeybadger Fighters clan
  • A small token from her mentor
  • A map or secret code related to the clan's hidden base
  • A piece of honeycomb as a traditional snack

Clan Features:

  1. Hidden Base: The Honeybadger Fighters have a well-hidden base in the warm regions, equipped with training grounds and a library of ancient martial techniques.
  2. Secret Techniques: Matokka has access to unique martial techniques taught only within the Honeybadger Fighters, giving her an edge in combat.
  3. Stealthy Reputation: The clan is known for its elusive nature, making them skilled in stealth and espionage.


Matokka is a lithe and graceful Elf with golden-brown skin, reflecting her warm upbringing. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her hair is tied back in a practical bun. Scars from years of rigorous training are visible on her arms and legs. She wears traditional Honeybadger Fighters garb, a blend of practicality and mystique.


Matokka was born into the Honeybadger Fighters, a secret and ancient clan renowned for their combat prowess. Trained from a young age, she quickly rose through the ranks, mastering the clan's secret techniques. Now, as a skilled monk, Matokka travels the world, blending into the shadows to protect her clan's secrets and uphold their legacy.
