


3 years, 7 months ago




  • Name Mossfur
  • Age 100+ Moons
  • Height 10.5' (at the shoulder)
  • Current Position Elder
  • Sexuality Demisexual, Lesbian
  • Personality

    Mossfur has always had a strong sense of duty and loyalty. Since she was found by Monarchclan, they have her complete loyalty. Her life-long goal is to be as useful to the clan as possible, including providing the next generation of kits to make the clan even stronger. If she's not helping in some way, she can become very sad and self-destructive. Much of her self-esteem relies on how "well" she's doing with clan life. Mossfur can come off as arrogant and stubborn but, in reality, she puts what's best for the clan above all else, but she also doesn't like being wronf g. She admires other dutiful cats and despises any clan quarrels. Another big part of her personality is her love life. Now in her old age, she feels useful when she makes her mate Owlpool happy, and helps around camp whenever she can.

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  • Appearance

    She is a Ragamuffin mixed-breed cat, which means her fur is rather dense but the strands are thin. Her base fur color is a brown-green shade and she has charcoal and cream markings. Cream underbelly, ear fur with a pink nose. She had old burns on her front paws. Her right ear is torn and she had a bite-shaped scar on her left hind leg.

  • Likes -Following the rules -Being useful -Keeping her fur clean
  • Dislikes -Drama -Being proved wrong -Feeling useless -Being heart-broken
  • Backstory

    The small kit Moss was raised by her kittypet mother Lily. She also had a brother, but she can't remember him or his name now. A walk in the forest turned deadly as they came across a family of foxes. The adult foxes felt threatened by the travelling cats and defended their kits, just how Lily did for her own. The warriors of Monarchclan found little Moss a ways away from her mother's body, shaking with fear and hunger.

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  • Murkysight Former Mentor

    'I think about him fromt time to time... I hope he found what he was looking for...'

  • Owlpool Mate

    'I love Owlpool with my whole soul. I don't know what I would do without her. I can't wait for the day we join Starclan forever.'

  • Marigoldbloom Former Apprentice (Adoptive Daughter)

    'Mari! Shes the joy in my life, I will always be proud of her no matter what.'

  • TBD

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  • Trivia
    • ● Her favorite pieces of prey are robins and squirrels
    • ● She hates getting wet or cold
    • ● Her clanmates regularly find her grooming or cuddling with Owlpool
    • ● She wants to live her life to the fullest, till the very end

profile html by Hukiolukio