


3 years, 7 months ago




"Patience is a virtue, you know?"

Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title Goddess of Intermission
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Female
    • Occupation Goddess
    • Religion Virtulium/Virtulism
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Unknown
    • Species Deity/Anilatic


    Patience is a goddess with some cat-like attributes. Her eyes are pale blue and her white hair goes just past her shoulders. A pair of leopard ears sit upon her head. Her tail also represents a leopard, with black spots and specks. She dresses in black yoga style pants and rarely wears shoes. Her black crop top has cage-like straps that cross over her chest and around her neck. From the bottom, four more straps frame her stomach.


    • BUILD Hourglass figure

    • FOOD Smoked meats
    • COLOUR Turquoise
    • ANIMAL Big cats
    • SETTING Deep in the forest
    • WEATHER Sunny and not too hot
    • DRINK Coconut water
    • NUMBER Eight
    • GENRE Mystery
    • ACTIVITY Art projects
    • TIME OF DAY Late afternoon


    • Patient people
    • Taking her time
    • Calm/Serene environments


    • Being rushed
    • Impatient people
    • Being interrupted when doing something


    • Meditating/Yoga
    • Reading
    • Art

    Patience, the Goddess of Intermission, takes a bit of getting used to. This is due to her namesake, since she is so patient that one would find it hard pressed to actually get a word out of her in time before she goes to sleep for the night. She meditates, making sure to get in as much time as she can, letting anyone join in if they so desire. These sessions could take anywhere from 1-17 hours, depending on what she actually has to do that day. Even then, Patience still manages to get everything done at whatever time suits her. Most of her personality comes from the fact that she is usually off in another world, stuck in her mind and the daydreams that come about from her deep meditation. Her followers do not seem to mind though, as they do pretty much the same.


    • Patient
    • Good listener
    • Calm and rarely angry/annoyed


    • Tends to bottle her emotions
    • Often has her head in the clouds
    • Puts off important stuff until the last minute


    Since this Deity is one of the Seven Virtues, her desires are more noble than that of the average God or Goddess. Patience has one main aspiration, and that is to follow Virtue and spread good to the universe. Her role is to bring about patience among the people of each world, which is a job she plays well, as it is what she was born to do.


    • Germy areas/surfaces
    • Failing Virtue


    • Tends to sanitise commonly touched surfaces
    • Daydreaming


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Understanding
    • COMMON STARTER “Hold on a second please…”
    • SWEARS? Never
    • QUIRKS Appears to have her head in the clouds when talking to people
  • Species

    [ Deity ] The universe revolves around Deities. They are powerful entities, capable of creating planets, land and sea, as well as other lifeforms entirely. Through tales of old, ancient stories engraved through time, these gods and goddesses give and take from the worlds they oversee. Some bring about darkness and disease, while others bring light and hope to the people who read their scriptures. Deities exist on almost every planet, some created by the citizens of their world, fake gods and goddesses that serve a purpose to scare, enlighten or give hope to the people. There are, however, true divine beings hidden among them, scattered throughout the galaxy. Most originate from a planet called Arcturus, born from a mysterious rift in the crimson sky above. From here, they are assigned to different worlds or given a place among the Arcturus ranks.


    [ Fair Gods ] The Fair Gods are known to still be a little inexperienced, having worked their way up from a Lesser God and gained a decent following. Their powers greatly increase with their rank and they finally do not have to work so hard to get their name out there. These Deities rely on their following. At this stage, it is everything to them, depending on the type of people who worship them and how many there are, The Fair Gods can get a lot stronger than before. This helps them reach higher ranks and gains them respect from others faster. It can, however, also go the opposite way and just give them a little boost if their following is not all that great, which the other gods and goddesses think rather lowly off, so earning their respect would be much harder.


    [ Anilatic ] An Anilatic is a species only found on very primal planets. These creatures are humanoid in appearance, but their looks differ vastly depending on where they are born and what surrounded them during their incubation period before their birth. Anilatic come in two types, one based on the Flora that surrounds them and one resembling the Fauna. These types are hereditary, meaning a Flora Anilatic can not have a Fauna child and vice versa. They tend to have attributes similar to whatever they represent, like plant and animal-like features and abilities. In rare cases, some can even take the form of the plant or animal.


    [ Fauna Anilatic ] A Fauna Anilatic is one of two subspecies. As their name describes, they are an Anilatic who takes attributes from any one of the animals that surround them when they are born. They cannot be multiple creatures, but can be a completely different one from their mother or father. This is more likely if the child was born in another area from their parents. Fauna Anilatic can have attributes similar to whatever they look most like. Those based on animals may be humanoid, but also possess animal-like features and possess similar abilities to whatever they look like. In rare cases, some can even take the form of the thing they represent.


    As a Goddess in the Fair God Rank, this Deity is still a little inexperienced, and as such, do not have as much power as those of higher ranks. Patience is on the path to gaining total control over her celestial magic, a magic nearly all Deities possess. This particular Goddess is also part Fauna Anilatic, giving her the abilities and skills of one on top of her Deity powers. She has animal-like features and heightened senses because of that. Since she is based on a leopard, she can also shapeshift into one. As the Goddess of Intermission, she is also responsible for bringing about patience and radiates an aura that appears to calm and relax people. This effect works on both, people and animals, creating a safe place where everyone feels at home.

  • History

    Long ago, there was nothing, no stars or planets, just an infinite expanse of darkness. There were no forms of life, just nothingness and something later described as Celestial Energy. Celestial Energy is not a physical thing nor being, but rather, a mysterious divine power that seemingly came from nowhere. History tells of a story, when this strange energy collided with itself, creating an explosion that engulfed the whole expanse of space in a brilliant white. When it eventually subsided and died down, it left behind a rift, a glowing ball of distorted matter. This odd occurrence contained unique powers and alone, it managed to create a planet, a star and its moons. This one planet left alone in a sea of darkness, was Arcturus. The Rift that hovered in the sky above the planet then created a divine being with great powers. This was the very first goddess, Divinity. She was the one who single handedly built the universe out of nothing, yet when she almost reached the limits of what she could do, The Rift created a few more goddesses to help her finish what she started. Together, they created planets, creatures to live on them, and made a whole universe filled with untold wonders. All the while, The Rift created more gods and goddesses to help them when they needed it most. Divinity then assigned herself the job to watch over these Deities, essentially being a parent to them, guiding them towards their destinies. After Patience was born, this Goddess was given a role to play. She now takes directions from Virtue as one of the Seven Virtues, spreading good across the planets and universe.


    As with most deities, this goddess was born from The Rift, a strange phenomenon that resides in the sky above Arcturus. It is believed that an entity lives within this rift, creating deities to fit individual needs and purposes, which is how the planet became its thriving self. After her creation, she was then allocated a role to play by Divinity herself, a role that perfectly suits her unique traits and abilities.

    Current Residence

    As the Goddess of Intermission, this deity lives in the Forest of Patience. This place is located on the Land of Virtue and is a relaxing, calm and peaceful forest with animals, big and small. The area is home to Patience, who uses this place to teach others, mortals and animals, the virtue of patience. It is here that she meditates alongside all who wish to join in, even her own followers. Since she mingles with those who worship her, unlike most other gods/goddesses, they appreciate her even more for that, and will follow her to the ends of the universe.

  • Ancestry

    • Patience was born from the void, making her true ancestry and origins unknown
    • Virtue is essentially her mother
    • Divinity is the closest thing she has to an ancestor


    • How Virtue runs their religion, and how they get their power and decent following
    • Patience has to go to sleep early, otherwise she would be cranky and easily annoyed in the morning, a side she wants to keep hidden from her followers


    • As with most deities, this Goddess was born from the mysterious rift above Arcturus
    • It is believed to have created her with the idea that no world nor universe can go without virtue, just as the universe cannot go without sin
    • Patience and the remaining Seven Virtues were born/created not too long after Virtue. This, plus their entwining powers are why they are classed as family, whether blood related or not