


7 years, 3 months ago


Catrice, or Cat for short, is a young witch who is still coming into her powers. She's from a very affluent family of good witches, and spent most of her life not even realizing that you could BE a bad witch. Of course she knew there were evil or cruel things in the world, but she had always assumed that was a strictly human trait. Upon finally heading out to the Academy for Witching Arts, Catrice was surprised to see so many different varieties of magic, and to see them all celebrated equally in the school, rather than a specific type of magic being taught or encouraged.

Catrice can sometimes be a little childish or naive. She'll stick her tongue out at you and call you a silly name if you're being mean to her. She's rarely petty, and wishes everyone could just get along (even if deep down she knows that isn't going to happen.)
Catrice enjoys mostly human hobbies, such as photography and painting. A lot of other witches see this as a weakness, but Catrice is happy to sit down and enjoy things rather than needing magic to do every single task in her daily life.