


3 years, 7 months ago


Prince Aurelian- who carries the title of 'The Golden Prince'. His family has a big connection to wealth and sees it as more important than anything in the realm. During the Festival of dreams, lambicorns who were under his rule were forced to hand over their gems, and even after the dying down Halloween celebrations; in the dark of night he demanded their candicorns. If it was currency, his family wanted it.

However, they did not hoard it like some, they spent as much as they could, hiding their large amounts of currency with convenient excuses. The art wall was the particular excuse of choice by Aurelian, as he was quite the painter and craftsman. Some were suspicious, others who had more knowledge especially so. And yet they've not been challenged yet.

Aurelian takes after his parents, greedy and always unsatisfied with what he has. He's even taken it upon himself to steal from more trusting kingdoms, specifically the kingdom of the canine brothers; Louis and Charles. No assumptions, no accusations.

Recently, He's also expanded to other forms of wealth, a wealth of power if you will. Contacting a group of magic users who hide themselves away from the public eye, helping them with their attempts to find new forms of magic to create extreme power- impossible power for a regular lambie.

Despite it all, his dreams are quite popular. Who wouldn't want to dream of all their wishes coming true, and all their greedy desires of gold or items or friendship being fulfilled? The greed from those dreams is temporary...but it seems the greed from Aurelian's family is permanent... some have theories that it's from a soul-corrupting disease that has been passed down from generation to generation, it's just a theory....but it hasn't been disproved.