Suki Nelson



9 years, 2 months ago



NAME: Suki Nelson AGE: 16
SPECIES: Pachirisu BIRTHDAY: August 28
PRONOUNS: She / Her     HEIGHT: 5'6
GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Pansexual (Female pref)
Weight: 141 lbs Voice Claim: N/A



Suki was born in the Hoenn region, specifically, Slate Port. Born to a Pachirisu and Emolga. She got into a lot of trouble while growing up, and usually ended up getting hurt. She didn't understand the fact she was weak against water, and would always attempt to go swimming in the ocean, causing many problems.

The older she got, the more she learned. Through out growing up, she would control different devices around her parents home, not well mind you, but she'd try, usually trying to mess with her parents for fun. This always confused them, assuming it was a porygon next door, or something along those lines pulling pranks and tricks on them. They did notice one day after coming home however, that Suki was attempting to lift their TV, without touching it. They witnessed the TV go a few centimeters off the cabinet it was resting on, and then smashed onto it.

The parents figured out she must have inherited the powers that where far up their lineage, this was discovered when she was around the age of 12. After some time, her dad figured it'd be a good idea to talk to an old friend of his, who talked of a school specifically for mons like her. Her dad found more information on Pillar Academy, and figured it'd be a good idea to enroll her soon after. Though she felt it was too boring there, and talked her parents into sending her to Amity High. She enjoyed her time there until the schools closing the following year, where she moved to Llex High.



Taken by Willow (owned by xxanoukfluffbutt)



  • She likes to do different sports in her free time, specifically Skateboarding
  • Others tend to mistake the spot under her eye to be a mole, when it's actually a scab that never fully healed.
  • The Scratch across her face is from an incident from when she was younger
  • She always wears the band-aid on her cheek, even when there's no scars there. (though there usually is one)
  • She seemingly has new scars and scratches everyday
  • She's in between being a girly girl, and a tomboy
  • Her favorite food is white chocolate macadamia Cookies
  • She has trouble waking up in the morning.
  • She looks more like her mom, but acts more like her dad.
  • Her cousins are Sokka, Velvet and Amy (velvet and Amy owned by uxieknight)
  • She doesn't think most of her actions through