Katshuichi Ichimaki



3 years, 5 months ago


NAME: Katshuichi "Soto" Ichimaki


AGE: 25-27 (Varies in AU'S)

RACE: Dorakyaarufu (Dragon + Canine/Feline genes. Closer to a Jaguar in feline appearance.)

Siblings: Rikkio, Ren, Dark, Aries, Dawnsky

MAIN DETAILS/SUMMARY: Katsu is an exorcist/businessman/substitute teacher. Each one has its times, like when he's off from office work he can be a substitute to any school, from Elementary to colleges, and he teaches Math. But he's also a good Reading/English teacher too. And being an exorcist is a full-time job. No rest of the bozo demons. He also is an elite graduate from the academy the rest of his siblings currently attend. Katsu is also the eldest and the head of the Ichimaki Household. 

NATIONALITY: Haitian/Japanese 

OCCUPATION(S): Exorcist; Substitute Teacher; Businessman/Office Worker

PERSONALITY: Quiet and calm; Doesn't seem to appear to be bothered or troubled by things so easily, but if you said some wack/stupid shit he will give you a look LMAO. His expressions usually stay simple, which can come off as serious looking or stern, but this is just his default look. Yes he can smile and its stunning and charming, but he doesn't do it too too often. Just when he's doing something/enjoying something he likes. Extremely intelligent and wise, he doesn't talk much but rather he observes and intakes the intel of his surroundings.

LIKES: Caffeine, can eat candy but isn't a fan, BUT HE LOOOOOVES Chocolates, baked sweets, like cakes and stuff; his car (he will kill anyone who scratches it), his siblings, Dawn's and Dark's Cooking, his job, spicy food, WORK SINCE HE A WORKAHOOLIIC, clothes with coverage, the rain, gloomy days or bright and sunny, standing in the rain, gardens, peace and quiet....and sake. Helping people, whether its an exorcism or just your average helping; appreciates the elderly alot and tries his best to show them the utmost respect + aid their needs; Books, hes a very very big bookworm and often spent most of his childhood reading them....thus explains his knowledge and wisdom

DISLIKES: People, mostly anyone, people who are snobby, rude and disobedient, his co workers at the office, his boss, demons/sinners, noisy and crowded places, his scars, anyone seeing his scars, revealing clothing, exorcists/popes (  )

BACKSTORY (IF ANY): Katsu grew up seeing spirits, ghosts and supernatural entities even as a child, and at the time was terrified of them and their existence. He eventually grew up to become an exorcists and make use of his abilities. Sooner or later a lot of government/ church officials didn't approve of his skills to actually help those in need rather than their own initial plans. So.......he's a one guy vs the world who wants him dead

OTHER EXTRA DETAILS/INFO/FACTS: There's a very very very light scar in-between his eyes over the bridge of his nose to his eyes from getting attacked during childhood by no other than his sister; His sword is used to make contracts with spirits and store them if they want to help/work with him to move on to the next life; Hes bilingual, can talk many other languages; Being the dragon he is he possesses vibrant darkish blue flames (which tbh can be any shade just around that spectrum) that he can summon mostly anywhere- even on his katana. Being an exorcist he's informative and fluent in the bible; he has road rage. LMAO, wont ever see it though but he has it. Has been tempted to run some people off the road now and then

BODY BUILD/TYPE: Could also say himbo, he's really big so....hopefully the ref sheet does justice??? he's got broad shoulders