
Name: Colton "Bug" Burgess
Gender: cis man (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 29-39+
Shift Animal: American Cockroach 
Magic: N/A
6'4", thin and broad-shouldered, with light tan skin, bags under his dark blue eye, and deep auburn (almost brown) hair that is unevenly cut. Has a snubbed nose and a small scar through his eyebrow. His face is often lined with stubble and dirty, as Bug rarely looks in the mirror. The right side of his face is covered in a slick, red-brown carpace and resembles that of an american cockroach, though  his antenae is smaller and munched, his eye, while insect like, functions like a regular human one, and both his labial and maxillary palps are crooked/not fully in his mouth. 
He has a large, jagged, and caving scar running horizontally between his hips and will often wake up with extra limbs (human or insect), patches of carpace, or large transparent wing(s) after reverting back to human form. Occasionally the physical complications with being an aritificial shifter may effect his height, mobility, or senses.




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