Pin Cushion



7 years, 2 months ago


So a while ago I adopted a plush roo design from @inkfang and I seriously fell in love with her. She has a plush in the works and she is the unofficial mascot for my business as it seemed fitting.

So when Ink contacted me in regards to a partial plush trade for art I screamed a little. I have been wanting to get a regular version ref of Pin since I got her from Ink so this was the perfect opportunity. and I could not be happier with the outcome.

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Important details:
Her paws can be "plush" shaped, she has gradients in her eyes and paw pads. She is always drawn with her pouch. She doesn't have a dog nose!! It is flat and sort of heart shaped. This is super important.

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Sleep, sewing, art, swimming, scuba diving, photography, her plushies, binge watching tv shows, travelling, her friends, naps, more sleep, pasta, any gummy candy, bubblegum milkshakes, cuddling, her pillow

Not getting any sleep, not being able to cool off when its hot, mango, pineapple, people keeping her awake.

Seriously if you didn't notice Pin loves sleep, she can sleep anywhere and everywhere, she is always tired. That doesn't stop her from working hard on plush, or needing to go out and swim around in the pool or at the beach. Always stopping for a short (usually very long actually) nap at some point.