


3 years, 6 months ago



Name Sinead
Called Strawbs, Sugar
Age Adult
DoB November 17th
Gender Nonbinary, They/he/she
Sexuality Panromantic
Species Pouflon
Build Pixie
Occupation Trickster
Theme N/a
Owner Nihellistic
Designer Cakepop
CSS Eggy



Build || Pixie

Horns || Spade - Legendary

Ears || Slender - Common

Wings || Common - Common

Tail || Tufted - Uncommon

Eyes || Common - Common

Rune || Common - Common

Etc. || Dragon Mouth - Legendary

Important Notes






Practicing magic

Going on long adventures

Playing and spending time with his pippets

Reading and learning lots of new things

Visiting Asterfall

Cold weather


Most others

Moss growing on his wings

When Mikhail teases him for being a recluse

Crowded places

Hot weather and humidity

Nobles, elites, royalty

Fenrir is an odd pouflon. Not many know of him, and far fewer know him personally. With those he is meeting for the first time, he tends to be extremely curt and closed off if he even speaks at all and tends to turn away anylon who tries to break past the barriers he has set up. Despite his subconscious desire to make friends with many, he believes that he is not allowed that luxury and thus pushes everyone away who gets near him. However, when there are those special occasions of somelon managing to befriend him and earn his trust, he is extremely genuine and committed to them and does all that he can to please them. It is believed that he would lay down his own life if it was needed in order to save those who are close to him, though that is mere speculation since barely anylon knows him well enough to pass that judgement. Overall, his personality is a mystery to most and those that see him in passing can tell from his demeanor that they likely shouldn't approach him.

To those that do know Fenrir well, he is extremely caring and kind. He usually tends to be softer spoken and gentle, as his appearance would suggest, but he also enjoys the occasional raucous behavior and he loves cracking puns when he is truly comfortable with his company. Fenrir, once known, is always there for his friends and would easily do just about anything for them including taking the blame/fall if they were in a sticky situation and needed help. He is very generous and thoughtful and makes sure to constantly let his friends know that he cares for them deeply and is always there for them.

The Family Name

The Mordha family name is a very elite and infamous family in Bellacoste. They are a family of strictly unicorns and they are known for their harsh and somewhat cold personalities. The Mordha family's main focus is simply to carry on their bloodline and legacy, and each successor to the name works tirelessly to raise their offspring into the cold, elite leaders that they were raised to be. While the parents do care about their offspring and love them, they easily separate that love from business and their main, and seemingly only, goal is to simply let their legacy live on.

Fenrir was no exception to this treatment, despite how much his parents (originally) cared for him. After his mother's passing, though, his father became extremely closed off and cold and wanted nothing to do with Fenrir nor Isabel except to turn them into the cold, almost robotic-like leader he had become. Radomir would default to terrible and traumatic treatment to them both, which is what drove Fenrir to eventually run away once he was able to. This also lead to his resentment of elites and of the general public as well since they knew what family he was from and had expectations the same as his father's. To this day, Radomir continuously searches for both Fenrir and Isabel, which is why both of them never seem to be seen in the public more than once so that they can easily evade their father and the spreading of any rumors. Fenrir truly misses and loves his father, but he can never put his resentment aside and thus he continues to run and hide from him. Radomir's treatment is what lead Fenrir to be such the reticent and curt pouflon he is and is the reason why he rarely lets anyone into his life out of fear that they might relay his whereabouts to Radomir or even try to take advantage of him due to his societal standing.


Radomir - Biological Father: Before Sayge's passing, Radomir was a kind and loving father, even if he had trouble showing that physically. He truly cherished his family, yet after Sayge's passing, his demeanor changed completely. He became extremely strict, which left Fenrir wondering if Radomir actually cared about him for anything other than making sure the family name and bloodline lived on. Living at home became torturous, especially at such a young age, and Radomir's behaviors eventually drove Fenrir to run away and eventually Isobel as well.

Sayge - Biological Mother: Sayge was a kind mother and had a very soft personality. She loved Fenrir, Isobel, and Radomir more than anything and would constantly show that to them all in various ways. However, she passed away while Fenrir was still a child and after her passing, the dynamic of the family changed drastically from loving to a tortuous place to be. Sayge's passing is what led Fenrir to run away, and eventually Isobel as well.

Isobel - Biological Sister: Sayge was a kind mother and had a very soft personality. She loved Fenrir, Isobel, and Radomir more than anything and would constantly show that to them all in various ways. However, she passed away while Fenrir was still a child and after her passing, the dynamic of the family changed drastically from loving to a tortuous place to be. Sayge's passing is what led Fenrir to run away, and eventually Isobel as well.

Elizah - Adoptive Mother: After escaping his father's grasp, Fenrir came into contact with Elizah, a kind and warm pouflon who cared for all types. Immediately upon meeting, Elizah could tell that young Fenrir needed help and offered to take him in. Reluctant at first, Fenrir eventually decided to agree and Elizah became his adoptive mother. She would constantly prove her love for him in everything she did and Fenrir deeply cherishes her to this day. He moved away from that house, but always makes sure to visit her as often as he is able.

Sahrien - Adoptive Mother: Sahrien is Elizah's wife, and adoptive mother to Fenrir. She is hardened and tough and it is harder to get on her good side, but she loves those that she lets in. Sahrien taught Fenrir everything he knows about combat and magic and he looks up to her and her knowledge. While she and Fenrir aren't as affectionate with each other as he and Elizah, they have a mutual understanding that they both love each other in their own way and he is beyond grateful for her. Sahrien isn't always around when Fenrir visits, but sometimes he will stay at the house until she gets home so he can say hello.

Mikhail - Chosen Brother: Mikhail was already living with Elizah and Sahrien as an adopted son as well when Fenrir was brought home. At first, Mikhail scared Fenrir a little bit because he was scared Mikhail wouldn't like not being the only child, but they immediately became close after their first meeting. Fenrir could tell that Mikhail was a gentle and giving soul and that he was more than happy to have Fenrir with them all. Their bond was so immediate that Fenrir believes that they were meant to meet, and he is beyond glad they did. Ever since they first met, they became the bestest of friends and even to this day they are together.




With Fenrir's appearance and resemblence to a gargoyle, he is easily able to fade into the background of other stone structures. He is also able to blend in with snow when he covers the dark parts of his body with his wings.


Because of his runic ability, he is able to grow flowers and moss anywhere on his body.

- - -

Character Trivia

- Fenrir absolutely hates when his moss grows in his wings because it tends to make it harder to fly. Mikhail has to help pick it out of his fur every morning.

- While he enjoys being warm, Fenrir hates hot weather and humidity because it makes his hair go wild and his moss grow faster/get denser.

- He secretly desires nothing more than to be a charming and charismatic pouflon, but because of his past traumas and his parents' expectations/behaviors, he feels he does not deserve it and closes himself off from everylon.

- The nickname, "snow angel", was coined from those that live in Snowhurst because of his reportedly angelic and frosty appearance. It is ironic to those who know the origin of the nickname, though, because despite his bewitching and captivating appearance, he is closed off and cold.

- He and his sister don't look much alike, but if they were to stand next to each other, anylon could tell that they were related.

- Fenrir loves to travel across Bellacoste and has become so conscientious of every route that he is able to pick out when there wont be anylon else where he will be.

- Many lons have taken to spreading rumors about him and his origin and whether or not he is even real, but Fenrir chooses to ignore them, only fueling the fire more.

- He loves to play in the snow- in private of course. Mikhail will often join him in a snowball fight.

- He is very studious and spends many hours inside researching magic and other topics.

- Despite his preference in walking places, he more often than not will fly wherever he is going so that he can avoid any potential lons on the way.

- He, surprisingly, loves puns and jokes and is very quick-witted. The only lons to ever see this side of him are Mikhail and Isobel.

- Fenrir adores jewelry of all sorts, but never wears any when he leaves his house to avoid attracting more attention than he already does.


Arc One

Chapter One:

Chapter Two:

Arc Two

Chapter Three:

Chapter Four:

Arc Three (Ongoing)

Chapter Five:

Chapter Six:




[ Partner ]




[ Sister ]

Isobel and Fenrir were always close when they were together at home. While Isobel did receive love and affection from their mother, Fenrir would always make sure to let Isobel know that he was there and cared for her. This was especially so when their mother passed away while they were still young. When their father grew angry and resentful and Fenrir made the decision to leave, he told Isobel before he left that he would come back for her. However, he was never able to face his fears and make it back to find her. Now, most of his travels are dedicated to searching for her and his one promise to himself and to her is to find her again, at any cost.



[ Best Friend, Travel Partner ]

Fenrir views Mikhail as his best friend and strongly believes they have some type of soul connection. Before he met Mikhail, he had no one and hated being lonely, but hated talking to anylon else even more. Since meeting Mikhail, Fenrir has come out of his shell, albeit only a little bit. He still dislikes meeting anylon new and prefers his solitude, but Mikhail has helped him see that there is good in the world and he realizes he would be no where without him. Fenrir cherishes Mikhail and their bond very much and they live together in Snowhurst, but often go on their own travels and journeys together.



[ Friend ]

Fenrir and Clover had a rather fateful meeting at Cimetry when he was travelling there one day. Before he met her, he was busy being bothered by Aoife and was not in the mood for any more interaction that day. While on his way to leave and make his way back to Mikhail and Snowhurst, he spotted a Clover running up to him. Already fed up from talking to Aoife, Fenrir was already in a bad mood and was ready to just shrug her off and leave, but her bright and warm personality immediately captivated him and he couldn't find the ability to be mean to her. After a few minutes of conversation, Fenrir found that he actually enjoyed talking with Clover and decided that perhaps they could get along. Fenrir now visits Clover in Cimetry and Goldfair whenever he happens to be in the area. He enjoys spending time with her and enjoys her bright personality in contrast to his more solitary personality.



[ Travel Partner ]

Fenrir and Kasimir met while both of them were on separate escapades to the Ebony Wreath. Kasimir had been travelling there in order to find new wares, and Fenrir was travelling there simply to get away and hide from the general public. Despite Fenrir's usual adamancy in avoiding all he meets, he couldn't help but be drawn to Kasimir as if they were supposed to meet, and he quickly accepted Kasimir into his inner circle. Their similar soft personalities resulted in an easy and quick connection, and now they often travel with each other to new places alongside Mikhail for their own purposes. Since Kasimir doesn't have a set home, aside from their shop, Fenrir will make sure to visit their shop whenever they are able and whenever they are not already travelling somewhere together so that they can catch up and stay in touch.



[ Acquaintance ]

Fenrir met Aoife once on one of his and Mikhail's travels, although seemingly against his will. As soon as the two made eye contact, Aoife trotted up and immediately sprung a conversation. While normally Fenrir would've just walked away. he noticed that everylon else who talked to Aoife was immediately enamored with him, so he was a little curious as to who the pouflon was. However, Fenrir did not like his overwhelming and flirtatious personality so he decided to cease conversation despite Aoife's attempts to keep it going. They will now occasionally run into each other and have small talk, but nothing more. Despite his dislike of Aoife, Fenrir cannot help but wonder how Aoife has such an affect on others, somehow unaware that he has a similar affect. Since they run into each other more often, Fenrir is beginning to believe there is some sort of fate between them.