design preferences



3 years, 7 months ago


For things like design attacks, design trades, customs, DFTPAY... etc.  

There aren't a lot of design elements that I 100% dislike - I just tend to be pickier about designs with more common traits.  I like my characters to be distinctive!  
(For example, it'd probably take a super cute dog anthro with a lot of personality to win me over, but you could probably show me the world's most boring two-tone spider anthro and I'd still lowkey want it.)

Also, please be aware that I change and redesign my characters!  I hang onto my characters for a long time, so I sometimes tweak them to fit my changing preferences. Of course, I never remove the creators' credits or alter their original artwork.

the TL;DR version

  • I'm most interested in anthros of unusual animals.  pls no closed species, anime teens, or huskies/wolves/etc.  
    • <3 bugs, birds, unicorns, manticores, ceratopsians... just to name a few!
  • <3 strong silhouettes, i want to be able to play "who's that Pokémon" with my characters
    • at the very least i want to be able to tell who the character is from an uncolored sketch
  • i prefer a few simple and distinctive features (i.e. markings or props) over a bunch of intricate or cluttered features
  • <3 chunky and/or beefy body types
  • <3 bright, soft and colorful palettes and themes, especially with candy/circus/arcade/kidcore vibes
  • no preference on gender identity or presentation, but pls no booby on my non-mammals regardless of gender
    • booby on horse good.  booby on frog make my eye twitch.
    • they're called mammaries they're for mammals aight lemme stop
  • more specific design wants off in the tab to the side!



  • strong silhouettes, regardless of species/gender/body type... think "who's that Pokémon"
  • body types with average or above average body fat - not a must, but hell yeah curvy people are fun to draw
  • big chunky bara guys, especially when paired with soft themes/colors/outfits
  • androgynous designs, designs that play around with gender presentation
  • extra limbs/heads/eyes/etc.
  • fandoms: Pokémon (especially fusions, variants, Mystery-Dungeon-themed cuties, and gijinkas), Zelda, FNAF (listen y'all i just finished burying cringe culture out back), Minecraft (yeah, i said it)
  • boobs on non-mammals, it bothers me lmao
  • "generic anime" art style, not really my cup of tea... I got my fill of that in my own generic anime art style phase
  • mega tiddy ladies with no organs, please give her some chunk
  • flat-faced anthros
  • extra mouths, like stomach and tail mouths
  • most fandoms
  • bases
  • in general, unusual anthro species, especially the kind you look at and go " on earth do i anthropomorphize you"
  • invertebrates of all sorts - insects, arachnids, mollusks, worms, etc.
  • weird grotesque demons 'n' monsters, love 'em
  • fish, from eels to guppies to rays 
  • horses and unicorns... despite being a grown man, i am a horse girl at heart
  • elephants?? elephants.
  • prehistoric species, including dinosaurs (although i'm a lil picky with those; please no featherless raptors)
  • speaking of dinosaurs, B I R D S
  • fantasy species, like griffins, manticores, and the aforementioned unicorns 
  • hybridized or chimeric species, hence the love for things like manticores
  • amphibians??? where my toads at
  • uhhhh buff monster DILFs lets gooooo
  • humans, especially anime teens/young adults
  • kemonomimi
  • original species, especially closed species - honestly, one of the few things i actively try to avoid.  it's just not my jam.
  • canines. i feel like every possible husky/wolf/fox/coyote/wusky/folf/coywolf/etc. has already been drawn.  EXCEPTION: canines that never get anthropomorphized, like St. Bernards, cocker spaniels, schnauzers, etc.
  • also, canine hybrids, like dogs w/croc tails/dragon wings/etc. I would rather just have a croc or a dragon
  • stock Western dragons with the scales and the horns and the wings and the Standard Dragon Face you see on every Smaug and plastic dragon on earth.  please... i like dragons, i just want them to be weird

  • a variety of different hues
  • high-sat accent colors
  • high contrast palettes - many light desat colors with one high-sat dark color, for example
  • pink in particular is my current color crave
  • i want to be able to remember a character's general markings/appearance off the top of my head - i'd rather have a few memorable/unique markings than a ton of busy ones
  • that thing where the colors are split down the middle, so that, like, one side's pink and the other's blue?  i like that thing
  • piebald patterns, asymmetrical patterns
  • monochromatic or greyscale palettes
  • high-sat main colors
  • the entire rainbow, in order, lined up in neat stripes/gradients across a limb/tail/etc., especially if high-sat
  • an impossible mess of stripes/blotches/spots/other markings involving a bunch of different colors in intricate patterns all on top of each other... i will draw that character once and then never again (Bossil is about my limit for complex markings, and even he is easier to draw than he looks)
  • orange and green as main colors... idk what it is, i just tend to have a tougher time connecting with those characters


  • candy, sweets, and sugary vibes
  • dreamy, spacey, other soft stuff... if you'd decorate a baby's room with it I'm probably basing an OC on it right now
  • cozy autumn/fall aesthetic
  • clown/circus/carnival shit
  • arcade/retro game stuff
  • campy villain shit - y'know, the kind of guy you'd see in a Saturday morning cartoon, probably named Dr. Nefario
  • Halloween and other campy spooky themes, boy do I love me some camp
  • most other food themes
  • heavy tech themes - robot parts and the like tend to have a lot of intricate detail and geometric shapes, and I often find them kind of a chore to draw
  • "just glue some gears on it and call it steampunk"
  • honestly I can't think of a lot of themes I actively dislike

for POKÉMON GIJINKAS in particular
  • i'm kinda picky about how these look... basically i just like them human w/ hair/outfit/accessories/props/etc. that suggest the Pokémon they're based on
  • i don't like giving them the Pokémon's ears/horns/wings/tail, just humans if you please
    • there are some exceptions to the "regular human rule" - Ultra Beasts and legendaries might end up pretty eldritch, for example
  • i prefer Pokémon species that don't look easy to anthropomorphize bc they require the most creativity and i love seeing what people come up with
    • like yeah we all know what a lucario gijinka's going to look like but what the hell do you do with bronzong dude