Marisol "Mari" Villarreal



3 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Marisol Villarreal


Mari, Mija, Punches, Mar



Date of Birth

March 18, 1931




Nonbinary (She/They)






Mexican American/Chicano


Ultimate Boxer


Chapter 3 Victim/The Arcadia





Marisol Villarreal (or "Mari") is tall, muscular and has broad shoulders. She has a  distinctive scar above her left eyebrow, dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair. They prefer casual clothing and tend to dress down, opting to keep their letterman jacket on and nearby regardless of the circumstances. She often has her hands wrapped and prepped for boxing.


Mari is overall an easy-going person and is rarely seen not smiling. She has a positive outlook on life and tries not to worry too much about what the future has in store. Although, they tend more towards impulsivity as they try not to take things too seriously, which can lead to them getting over their head. However, they are incredibly steadfast for the people that rely on them. She often has a tendency to carry too much on her shoulders - both literally and figuratively. 


Mari was born on March 18, 1930 in Los Angeles, California as the only child to their now late parents, Celia and Jose Villarreal. When Mari was 8 years old, the family got into a fatal car accident in which both Celia and Jose unfortunately passed away as a result. During the accident, Mari was struck in the head with a portion of the debris of the car, resulting in the scar that is above their left eyebrow. Since the events of the accident, Mari has possessed deeply misplaced survivor's guilt over not being able to help her parents at the time. As Mari was very young when this incident occurred, her memories of her time with her parents are spotty and disjointed, but she knows that she was, in fact, very loved.

After the accident, Mari was adopted by her maternal grandparents, Eudelia "Lela" Villarreal and Jorge Salinas Villarreal, who both resided in Los Angeles at the time. For many years, Mari struggled with the trauma of her parents' deaths and did not find an outlet until she was introduced to the "family business" — boxing. Like her grandfather and mother before her, Mari possessed a natural talent for boxing and showed great promise despite her young age. Quickly, she began to see the sport as both a source of inspiration and comfort as it brought a sense of control in her life that she had been lacking since the accident. At eighteen years old, Mari was entered into their first official league and started their professional career as a boxer. Since then, they won countless tournaments and became somewhat of a celebrity in the boxing world as they were known as the reigning champion and Ultimate Boxer.

At 19 years old, Mari's grandfather passed away in a hospital due to illness, leaving only themself and their grandmother to support one another as no other relatives resided nearby. As a result, Mari took it upon themself to become the sole provider for their grandmother and continued to live with her until they were unfortunately declared dead as a result of the tragedy of the sinking of the Arcadia.