Anya Greihelm-Aarons



3 years, 6 months ago


Anya Greihelm Aarons

fashionable . ominous . materialistic . passionate

 Name Anya Greihelm Aarons
 Called Anya
 Age 22
 DoB 10 / 14
 Gender FEMALE!
 Height 5'3
 Race Human
 Role Vigilante
 Demeanor Confident, Intimidating
 MBTI n/a
 HTML Eggy


   Anya is the daughter of a failed marriage between her stepbrother's mom and her father. Her biological parents left her and her step-brother Duke home alone most of the time. She often tells people that the only gift she ever received from her parents, were her looks and physical features. However, she would, in that same breath declare that such superficial benefits, weren't anything to be all that grateful for. The only good parts of her childhood were the stable relationship and happy memories she formed with her older brother. Although they came from different fathers, the two never held any animosity towards one another. They got along well, and Duke was always very protective of her and would play silly games like dress-up or play pretend with her, for no reason other than to make her happy.
            Once Duke began training in martial arts, in hopes of becoming a national athlete, he rarely had time for her. Between school and practice, he wouldn't get home until fairly late. So, when Anya was in middle school, due to the loneliness and bitter feelings toward her parents, she fled from home in the night. Across town entirely, only to be found on the streets by an elderly woman named Helga Greenwood. Anya convinced the florist to take her and raise her alongside her other grandchildren, claiming her family was abusive, and she couldn't bear it any longer. A half-truth, as it wasn't false, but it was certainly an exaggeration.
             She grew up beautifully and helped Helga's store attract a plethora of customers, simply by wearing the uniform and watering flowers. Helga's grandkids, Sage and Daisy also got along with Anya very well. To Anya's dismay, Daisy would soon see Anya as a rival in beauty rather than a sister. When Anya would win the coveted crown of "Miss New Metro", the two would have a heartbreaking falling out. Leading to them parting from one another. They remain civil, but it's evident that their relationship has been tarnish since Anya's skyrocketing to stardom as a model, brand organizer, and fashion influencer. Anya has tried to patch things up but to no avail. Despite everything that was said that night, Anya would love nothing more than to be close to her adoptive sister once again.
             Anya is a vigilante with her eyes set on reaching the top of the fashion industry. Hoping to control everything, and take the place of predatory capitalist men who seem to have their grubby hands on things they know nothing about.  She does this through the help of her beloved and loyal lover Spyder, and his ability to shapeshift, as well as through her alter ego; "The Seamstress". She doesn't care about anyone she has to take down along the way, and she plans to succeed by any means necessary. Even if that means killing a person.


  • Spyder (her partner)
  • Spiders
  • Fashion
  • Design


  • Feeling Gross
  • Bad Smells
  • Bloating
  • Winter


  • Sewing
  • Horror movies and novels
  • Collecting magazines
  • Modeling and Photography!




Plans to monopolize the fashion industry

Used to model her own brand, but her partner now helps model!

Has the power to physically control people as if puppeting them

Often steals or uses her power for personal gain

Thinks all things that are creepy are actually cute when you learn about them!



Duke Greihelm Aarons!


Anya's older brother. Despite the distance that came between them many years ago. They still treasure each other. And Anya knows she'd be far more traumatized if it weren't for him caring about her. Even though he didn't have to, since their mom is pregnant with her is what ruined his parent's marriage in the first place. Regardless, he loved her anyway and didn't take any of that out on her. She doesn't blame him for anything and is very glad to have reunited with him.



romantic partner

The current love of her life! They are extremely tall and stoic, and they make the perfect model. Because they are also very pretty. Despite their stand-offish demeanor they always mean well and would do anything Anya asked of them. She loves them so much! Unfortunately, Spyder lacks the sex drive Anya demands, due to only being physically attracted to Spyder and nobody else.




Apparently, her brother has had a male(?)presenting partner for years now. She hadn't pegged her brother as anything other than straight, so this was a pleasant surprise. Though, that's what happens when you haven't seen someone in several years. She can't wait to ask their pronouns and to get to know them better. She has a lot of silly photos of Duke to share.