


3 years, 6 months ago


Name: Meicoo

Pronouns: She/her

Species: Meicoomon

Level: Champion

Type: Unknown 

Feild: Nature Spirits 

Evolution line: Yukimi Botamon-YukiNyaromon-Meirimon-Meicoomon-Meicrackmon-Rasielmon

Personality: Meicoomon is very calm and relaxed, and can seem kind of odd at times. She does have a very child-like personality, but she's also very cunning and sly. If Saito so wishes it, she won’t show mercy to her foes. She’s very loyal to him and will basically do anything he says. However, she does miss the odd saito at time. When she’s digivolves, Meicoomon becomes extremely aggressive. Thankfully Saito is able to keep her under control. After being reborn, Meicoo is more mature than she use to be, however, she is more blunt and will say anything that’s on her mind. She has total control over her self

History: After being reborn for the first time,no one liked her nor paid attention to her. Meicoo lived a lonely life in the digital world until she met saito and his friends. She also befriended a  Gatomon who traveled with the group. Saito was in. the first person to show her compassion...her new tamer

During the Grimmon fight, Meicoo came to her senses and absorbed  Chrono Core. The core was too much for her to handle, so her body was destroyed. However, The core reacted strangely to her caused her to be reborn once again

Note: You can draw either of her forms

Her gold markings are grey