Snap The Jackalope 🌿



3 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info






Male; he/him


April 22nd

Favorite color:


Favorite food:


Favorite season:



Manipulate/control plant life


A jackalope in his mid-teens. Shy, quiet, embarrassed easily but willing to believe in the good in others. Was born with the amazing ability to help plant life grow to it's natural restored state, so he goes around Mobius fixing up the damages placed upon the land by hazardous forces. Is the most responsible and rational of his group (consisting of him, Scout and Patch) and is considered the leader due to such. The three of them are nomadic and live free on the lands of Mobius. 

Was abandoned as a child; parents set out for food and never returned, having believed to have been hunted and killed. After a long time of waiting, Snap realized he was on his own and set off by himself to help restore the land. He's able to make plants grow, so he never had to worry about food from trees and bushes and what not. However he prefers to not force his powers too much on the same plant life, due to him feeling it will end up weakening it in the long run, having to rely on Snap. 

Snap's mother is where he gets his ability from; however her power is a tad bit different, in which she can enchant fruits and vegetables into which they can never go bad. This helped keep Mobius longer lasting food supplies, though not a lot of people recognize she was the one behind it.

Met Scout when they were both 7; Scout tried to attack Snap, making Snap use his abilities for self defense. Not long after, Scout gained immense respect for Snap and the two soon became fast friends. However, the rest of Scout's group didn't have any respect for Snap, resulting in Snap and Scout leaving the group and being on their own for years to come.

Random Trivia:

- Tallest character of the minors

- Loves all plant life; however his favorite type of flower is a sunflower 🌻 

     - Sunflowers make him think of his mother

- "Apologizes" to branches/sticks whenever he has to use them for a campfire

- Cried the first time he saw a campfire

- Least likely out of the boys to fight/get physical; more of a pacifist

- Has the incredible ability to manipulate plant life

     - This helps the plant grow both better and stronger, at a very fast rate

     - Doesn't like to use this ability a lot, especially on the same plant multiple times

            - Feels it'll end up making the plants too reliant on his abilities, making them weaker in the end

               - Only feels right using ability to help restore nature, however will use it if in a troubling scenario

- A vegetarian; will eat meat if he has to but prefers to not

     - Believes nature provides fruit and vegetables for a reason, and that it'd be rude not to accept

- Shy around new people

- Quiet, reserved, and too trusting in others

- Sees himself as weak