November ๐Ÿ‚



3 years, 6 months ago




Name November
Role Keeper of Autumn
D.O.B 11 November
Gender male (he/him)
Race dog
Height 176 (human); 76 (dog)
Zodiac Sign Scorpio โ™๏ธ
Theme Song link


  • cold weather
  • rain and fog
  • tea


  • hot weather
  • noise
  • obsession

Quiet and calm Keeper of Autumn. November is always very reserved, but he is a warm and reliable person. Stays in thick fogs, he hides deep in the autumn forest, rustling leaves snow-covered with frost on his tail.


November is very calm, kind-hearted and quiet. He is laconic and may seem cold, but only at first glance. He likes solitude and peace. November can be found in the early november fogs. Sometimes he appears to help people who get lost because of the fog in the forest or somewhere else. This is usually a good omen. In winter his fur/hair may have small white blotches, resembling gray hair. It goes away as soon as spring arrives. He also has long, slender legs and ears, and his fluffy tail is always covered with frost. His fur is quite warm.


Very thoughtful and calm. Loving and patient by nature, always ready to listen or make a cozy quiet company and you can always rely on him. Because of his responsible nature, he always help to puts April into hibernation. Then collects a soft bedding for him from fallen autumn leaves. November lives deep in the mountain forest covered with fogs. Inside this forest there is a very beautiful and bright place, where autumn always regins. Prefers the same cool weather. Likes to read and drink tea. Always very patient with children and gets along well with them.


November and April live in the same world and sometimes appear in ours to call for Spring and Autumn. These two are very close friends, despite their different personalities, their friendship and outlook on things have a lot in common, so they get along so well. His most favorite thing is wallowing in autumn leaves and warming up in the morning autumn sun. Sometimes he also likes to swim in cool rivers or ponds.


  • โ€งโ‚Šหš. Big tea lover! Juust pour him a warm mug of tea โ˜•
  • โ€งโ‚Šหš. He can be called like "Noya"
  • โ€งโ‚Šหš. Always takes care of April-pup and puts him to hibernation. He helps collect soft litter of leaves for him.
  • โ€งโ‚Šหš. He doesn't like to stay in the city for a long time because of the noise. His ears and hearing are also very sensitive
  • โ€งโ‚Šหš. Fog always comes with his appearance. November sometimes helps people who are lost in the fog or forest. It is considered a good omen.



April [ best friend ]

These two are very close friends, despite their different personalities, their values and outlook on things have a lot in common, which is why they get along so well.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.