Amaris Drapis



3 years, 7 months ago


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Amaris Drapis

"I didn't stray from my destiny, I chose to rewrite it."

Amaris Drapis

Biographical Information []
Full Name
Amaris Drapis



Personal Description []
September 30th

Appears 18-23

Male (Trans masc)




193.04cm (6'4")


Hair Colour
Primarily brown-ish maroon

Eye Colour

Blood Type

True Neutral

Voice Claim

Status []


Morgana Drapis (Mother)
Edward Drapis (Father)



Fighting Style
Misc. Information []

Creation Date


Amaris Drapis is a demon who resides in an isolated village; --, in Thecia. He works as both an adventurer and infamous mercenary under the alias 'Soulkeeper'.



Amaris is quite tall, with a diamond shaped face. He has long brownish maroon hair with streaks of different colours that he often wears down. With strands framing his face and a piece of hair that falls between his eyes.

He has horns on the top of his temple that match his dark skin and long pointed ears that he has a small golden hoop piercing in. His face has two scars; one across the bridge of his nose and a vertical one on his right cheek from his jaw to the middle of his cheek. And another one on his right horn.

His attire consists of a sleevless jacket, where the sleeves were torn off during a scuffle. His chest is wrapped with bandages, and he has another on his right forearm and left lower thigh.

He is often seen wearing a pair of dark grey shorts with a pouch on the left side. He also wears a pair of cream coloured leg warmers.

When the wheather gets cold Amaris wears a beige cloak atop his shoulders that he likes to swish around or bundle himself around. Despite it's rather narrow and small lenght.

Amaris often carries around a large sword, almost the same size as he is, from the end of the handle to the tip of the curved blade. The handle is made from a mahogany wood that has a cloth wrapped around it and a stone embedded into the bark handle.


While under his alias 'soulkeeper' Amaris is rather quite and reluctant to talking to people, only doing so when he feels he needs to. He is a composed individual who doesn't magic in the face of danger, and is fairly astute and decisive. Which can be prominently seen when he is in combat or whenever he is working.

Outside of working Amaris is a calm individual, he's not easily angered and can be quite determined when he puts his mind to something. He sets his sights on his work and will sometimes stop at nothing to get it done.

He can get pretty sad when the mention of his past is ever brought up, especially when people remenise on who he used to be. He's not ashamed of his upbringing being from a poor family, but rather the person he was; as it makes him uneasy in his own body when he thinks about it.



Amaris grew up in __, a small village on the outskirts of __. His parents weren't rich with being common folk, so money was rarely an abundance and they often fell on hard times.

his parents adored him, doing what they could to make sure he got what he needed and he quickly came to realise how money was tight on most days... Eventually learning what he could and couldn't ask for.

When he was 6 his mother, Morgana began to teach him how to sew, cook and other skills a woman was expected to learn. Realising he was good using his hands, Amaris sold some of his woven baskets to earn money which he split between him and his parents. Keeping a small amount for himself each time.

When he was 7, against his parents' wishes he ventured into the forest near the village. Wanting to see if he could collect any fruit or berries from hearing a few boys in the village talk about them. Though unfortunately for him, he ended up running into a wild boar, who had charged at him. Luckily for him, an adventurer nearby in the area passing through had heard him and came to his aid. Briefly scolding him for being out in the forest, though after seeing the few berries and fruit in a small woven basket, the individual who he'd later find out to be a renowned A rank adventurer named Emrys, ended up sticking around and helping him pick fruit for his parents. Who at the time were expecting another child.

Time passed and Amaris made countless trips to the forest for fruit and often times helped out around the village whenever he could spare a minute. Essentially becoming the 'big sister' to most of the younger children around the village. Though she wasnt sure how she could've explained the mild discomfort of the nickname from them. But didn't mind they thought of her as family, the thought leaving her stumped.

Over the years Emrys also continued to pay vists, sharing the tales of his travels with Amaris. Where Amaris expressed that he wanted to become an adventurer like he was, and help people of all kinds. Inpired by Emrys who he saw as a a brother.

During one of Emrys' visits when he was 13, Amaris confided in him about how he felt about the village kids calling him the 'village big sister'.. While he didn't mind it, he often wasn't entirely sure how to feel about it. Even if he saw a lot of them as family to him, since he was an only child.


When he was 15 things started to take a drastic turn, when the village was attacked... Hearing that they were searching for demons Amaris knew he had to flee. Leading to him disguising himself as a human boy with the use of magic and leaving the village with what little he could bring. Though he did regret not being able to save his parents.

But the time he spent transformed the more he started to feel like this was what he wanted to appear like, though it wouldn't last forever. Amaris realised that he preferred the appearance of a guy, and once he was out of danger two villages over he took some clothes and made himself look more boyish. Cutting his hair short, which at the time had gotten quite long.

Not having much except the clothes he wore and the few coins his parents always gave him for pocket money Amaris had to carefully set out his plan. Making his first course of action being to contact Emrys, as he headed to the adventurer's guild to find out if they could contact him. Which luckily he was able to get a letter sent out, but had been warned that Emrys was a busy man. So to avoid missing a response from him, Amaris stuck around, rather stubbornly at that. And eventually bothered the receptionist enough until she started to give him errands to do while he waited.

It took a week for Emrys soon showed, only to see the drastic change in his appearance. Though he hadn't commented on such a change.

Story Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
    • Subdescription, more details, etcetera.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Ability Name - Description of the ability.
  • Form Name - Description of the form.
    • Subdescription, more details, etcetera.
  • Form Name - Description of the form.
  • Form Name - Description of the form.
  • Form Name - Description of the form.
  • Snatcher - Snatcher is the name of the large sword he often uses while out at work.
    • Subdescription, more details, etcetera.
  • Equipment Name - Description of the equipment.
  • Equipment Name - Description of the equipment.
  • Equipment Name - Description of the equipment.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.