


3 years, 6 months ago


Gorsebrook values his Clan the most. He is introverted. In conversations, he is cynical, timid and sarcastic. He is guided by his heart, often melancholic and temperamental. His world view is mostly pessimistic. He is imaginative, decisive, absentminded, excitable, narcissistic and regretful. Gorsebrook is stupid, which reflects in his decisions, skills and conversations. He rips apart his prey as he prefers eating smaller pieces, which leaves a mess. Even though Gorsebrook almost always wants a peaceful solution, he almost never speaks up in public. He will talk about it to friends though. He has a mate that he loves, and he would like to have kits later.

Gorsekit was born to his father, Yellowleg and his father, Clawbird. Yellowleg was kind, while Clawbird was sympathetic to him. Gorsekit was very close with Yellowleg and never bonded much with Clawbird. He became somewhat close with another kit in the nursery called Raccoonkit, although they didn't become best friends because Raccoonkit was too introverted. During his kithood, Gorsekit's favourite activity was practicing his hunting.
Gorsekit reached the age of an apprentice and became Gorsepaw. He recieved Lichenpad as his mentor. He was strict, but always had Gorsepaw's best interests in mind. Lichenpad mostly focused on tracking while somewhat neglecting hunting. Gorsepaw's friendship with Raccoonpaw stopped abruptly when she stopped hanging out with Gorsepaw.
Gorsepaw became Gorsebrook at 16 moons. On the way towards the Gathering, he and Furzesky, a warrior from an enemy Clan, got stuck together after a cave-in. They struck up a conversation while waiting for their Clanmates to dig them out and found out that they had a lot in common. Gorsebrook asked her to meet him at the border, where Gorsebrook asked her to become his mate. She accepted and after a few moons of secret meetings joined Gorsebrook's Clan. He fell into a cave and hurt his foot. Gorsebrook helped a group of young warriors steal prey from another Clan. He was caught.

Father: Yellowleg - a white tom with pale tortoiseshell patches (alive)
Father: Clawbird - a dark golden spotted tabby tom (alive)
Mate: Furzesky - an orange she-cat (alive)