Spectrum Rain



3 years, 7 months ago


Spectrum Rain Dash

Trans Demi-girl | Pegasus

Nickname(s): Spectrum, Rain, Rainy 

Cutie Mark: A paw print

Talent: Zoology 

Parents: Rainbow Dash, Soarin

Siblings: Cloud Climber, Electric Zap

Future Spouse: Alto Promenade

Future Children: Hawkeye Drizzle, Melba Blossom, Prism Sprint

Age (At the start of the Skaiverse): Pre-teen

Occupation: Student

Hometown: Ponyville

Current Residence: Ponyville

Voice Claim: TBA

Short Bio: 

Spectrum Rain is the youngest child of Rainbow Dash and Soarin. She takes after her mama a lot, but never has expressed interest in flying. They've been an avid aspiring zoologist since they were very small, a love that's only grown as they've aged. But while they act super sure of their life...Rain honestly is a little unsure. Deciding destiny so young feels so final and pinning, and she doesn't want that for herself. But her decision to run off in her teens might bring a little more than soul searching after all.