


3 years, 7 months ago


Name: Russetear

Pronouns: He/Him

Position: Deputy

Russetear is an out stander in his clan- fluffy, and easily towering over the rest of his lanky clanmates. This is because his father was a StreamClan warrior. His mother, a GaleClan warrior, kept him with her, and never revealed the identity of his father to her clanmates. It's now obvious that GaleClan blood doesn't run fully in his veins, but he's never let that stop him. As he grew up his clanmates admonished him but he strived and worked harder for them to prove his loyalty. 

When Nightstar took him as his deputy it angered some of the clan but Nightstar didn't care. He knew Russetear was as loyal as any GaleClan warrior. Luckily, the clan eventually grew to accepting Russetear as their deputy. He is strong, quick thinking, and has risked his life many times over for them. He is now accepted and (almost) all of his clan has his back. When he isn't sorting out patrols he's doing what he can to help- he's even helped Featherflight on many occasions to gather herbs. 

When Russetear found Rainfeather at the brink of death he rushed her and her kits back to GaleClan. While Featherflight tended to them he was constantly around her- asking for updates about them. When she awoke Russetear told her he would do anything to get her comfortable. While she was in the nursey, he constantly changed her bedding, brought her fresh-kill- everyone in the clan knew they would become mates. When they did, Russetear vowed to raise Cinderkit and Skykit as his own. He didn't care that he wasn't their father.