
3 years, 7 months ago


Hole Dwelling

01 — Profile

Name Kono Aldine
Nicknames None
Age 24
Gender Female ( She/Her )
Height 5"7
Birthdate May 25
Race African-American
Oriet. Asexual Panromantic
Occupation Journalist
Build A Little Chubby

Designer Bubblegum_Jello
  • Idek bro I can't think of any right now

  • are

  • design

  • notes!

  • you could do them short

  • or you could do them a bit longer with a description, while also bolding the vital things. but that's your preference! :D

  • this scrolls seperately, so don't worry and go wild yaya!!

"Being the best is the only thing that matters to the people of this world. Once you get past the fanasty world you're living in you'll finally understand how it feels to be me"

Kono is a serious journalist working for the same company as Nora and Birch. She is very cold, and is almost always working and barely ever talks to others about things besides work and news. She usally has a partner to do work with her on journaling, but she has never been close to them. She feels the need to distance herself from others because of her past realationships. She isn't too rude, but everything constantly feels like a bother to her. Even when people try and help she won't expect and feels like this is her problem only. She sees most things as a watse of time and thinks only of the flaws of the world and others around her. She doesn't think on her flaws badly though, she sees them as advantages to others.


  • Writing

  • Space

  • Stargazing

  • Coffee


  • Frosting

  • Looking people in the eyes

  • Attention

  • Social Media

03 — Background

Kono grew up in a competive enviorment, her parents always told her to act tough and be better then others. The pressure of others beating her in anything made her hurt others because of the pressure of losing her postion. Soon she became very intimidating to everryone in the school, her parents praising her for her rise to the top. She knew this was wrong, but she was so scared of failing she listened to everything her parents said, and listened to all the thoughts planted in her mind.

She devolped horrible anxiety and kept with her same ideals to adulthood. She became an apprentice detective for the police and met Nora. Nora was sweet to her and she started feeling like she was acctually making a good friend, but one day Nora and her went on a case, but during this case they were met with a villian who attacked them. The villian seemed to regognize Kono, they claimed to be a kid from school Kono used to bully. They were determined to get revenge on Kono and they ued their powers to hurt her. Kono yelled to Nora for help, but she just looked witha scared expression and ran. Kono was gutted by this, and not having a power, she was not match for this villian, and was beat up badly.

When she got back to the station she saw Nora surronded by happy people. She found out Nora solved the case without her, and thought she died so she got promoted and Kono stayed an apprentice, even when the police found out she was alive. Kono saw Nora as a traitor, and swore to get revenge on her, take her job, and never make a friend again.

04 — Trivia

  • She was born without a power, but it didn't stop her from rising to the top of her school

  • Uhh idek bro I'll write more later maybe