Quenton Erasmus



3 years, 6 months ago


Gender Male
Pronouns He/him
Age 27
Sexuality Demisexual
Level 2
Class Wizard
Race Human
Alignment Neutral Good
Profession Scholar

Quenton Erasmus

inquisitive awkward objective tormented complicated

Quenton is a socially awkward young man with a keen interest in magical study. His field of interest has become Chronomancy, and it's practical applications. In his research, he was able to unlock a tome of unkwown origin which foretold of a tragedy that may soon occur on a cluster of islands west of the Sword Coast. This place was revealed to be the Tuhui Archipelago, a place deemed a myth by the common folk, and one of untold power and riches.

The prophecy revealed to him by an unknown source alerted him to an artifact in Tuhui that can cause the storms that normally surround the islands to course correct to the whole of Faerûn. If such a thing were to happen, it would decimate what is left thanks to the events of the spellplague. Due to the sensitive nature of such a prediction and the knowledge of corruptable power, Quenton has joined forces with his good friend and classmate, Kassandra, her fey friend Theo, and a mercenary-for-hire named Durak in order to find and protect the artifact and stop such a calamity from taking place.