
3 years, 6 months ago


Quirk: Dreaming

-user is blind to the world we see but is highly adept in the dream realm. The dream realm is a perception of reality, normal people would say it's chaos, with monsters and creatures roaming the world, though user finds it as everyday life. The user can see objects and people in the present world but they have a certain dream form and look different, be it the color or a complete shape change, in saying this there are additional items(and creatures) in the dream realm, user can use these items to fight or just to interact with, though they'll be invisible to the normal person. When it comes to people, she sees their aura/silhouette, rarely though she'll see their "dream form" though these are for people who have recurring dreams, so their look becomes stable in the dream realm, also with people, she can read their subconscious (not entire mind, just their subconscious) and learn their fears and subconscious doubts to use against them, mostly by looking at their aura( she will have trouble with people that are mentally ill, as their mind demons circle them and make it hard to see the person, depending on illness).


  • she made a few friends in the dream realm to help protect her or even fight, one is Nessie the unicorn.