
3 years, 7 months ago





Very briefly describe your character here. This section will not scroll.


  • Meta Info

    • Creator/s Unknown
    • Worth Unknown
    • Designer Unknown
    • World Unknown

    Basic Info

    • Nickname/Title God of Unbridled Fury
    • Relationship Status Single
    • Gender Male
    • Occupation God
    • Religion N/A
    • Handedness Ambidextrous
    • Age Unknown
    • Species Deity


    Rage is a god with grey skin and dark red eyes. His bright red hair goes to his shoulder blades and he tends to wear a black vest with silver buttons. His trousers are black with red edgy designs at the bottom to mimic flames. He also has a red jacket with black flame-like patterns at the bottom and on the sleeves. The back of the jacket is longer than the front with a bit of a split. His boots are pirate styled, red and black with laced up sides.


    • BUILD Well built, toned body
    • SMOKES/DRUGS Drinks

    • FOOD Extremely spicy peppers
    • COLOUR Red
    • ANIMAL Rhinoceros
    • SETTING His river
    • WEATHER Thunder and lightning
    • DRINK The Raging River
    • NUMBER Sixty six
    • GENRE Violent action
    • ACTIVITY Yelling at people
    • TIME OF DAY Late at night


    • Showing off
    • Yelling at people
    • Blood, gore and violence


    • Losing
    • Sleeping
    • People who are stronger than him


    • Gaming
    • Screaming contests
    • Competing with other deities

    Rage is widely considered the weirdest, strangest God or Goddess on Arcturus. He never sleeps, walks around all night, screams violently at people and talks to himself constantly. He has no personality at all, stares daggers at everyone and everything and worst of all, seems to be able to defy logic and reality as we know it. No one knows how this is possible, but there seems to be a whole world beneath his tiny, seemingly insignificant river. With constant reports of massive sea creatures eating passersby, spaceships coming in and out of it and other strange accounts, Divinity just assumes Rage is far more powerful than anyone gives him credit for.


    • Strong, mentally and physically
    • Is not afraid to be himself
    • Creative


    • Obnoxious and loud
    • Temper issues
    • Cares little for other people


    As with most Gods and Goddesses, Rage has a want and need for more power. This, however, has to be achieved through rising up in the ranks. In order to do this, he currently aspires to gain a greater following and become more well known throughout the planet, Arcturus, and maybe even the universe. He also want to further spread anger, as it is what he represents.


    • Losing his power/rank
    • Germy areas/surfaces


    • Tends to sanitise commonly touched surfaces
    • Competing with other deities


    • WAY OF SPEAKING Angry, loud
    • COMMON STARTER “What?”
    • SWEARS? Often
    • QUIRKS Talks to himself constantly
  • Species

    [ Deity ] The universe revolves around Deities. They are powerful entities, capable of creating planets, land and sea, as well as other lifeforms entirely. Through tales of old, ancient stories engraved through time, these gods and goddesses give and take from the worlds they oversee. Some bring about darkness and disease, while others bring light and hope to the people who read their scriptures. Deities exist on almost every planet, some created by the citizens of their world, fake gods and goddesses that serve a purpose to scare, enlighten or give hope to the people. There are, however, true divine beings hidden among them, scattered throughout the galaxy. Most originate from a planet called Arcturus, born from a mysterious rift in the crimson sky above. From here, they are assigned to different worlds or given a place among the Arcturus ranks.


    [ Greater God ] A Greater God is often the rank given to those who have been around long enough to have gained a decent following. These gods and goddesses are what populate the universe and hold great power and even respect from those of lower rank. They are quickly working their way to the top, as all of them strive to do. Having put in the effort to come this far, they all compete against one another to up their rank, but rarely fight over it unless it becomes more than just a neutral rivalry.


    As a God in the Greater God Rank, this Deity is often respected by those of lower ranks and have decent power due to his following. Rage nearly has complete control over his celestial magic, a magic nearly all Deities possess. This particular Deity is known as the God of Unbridled Fury, as he is responsible for bringing about anger to the universe. He possesses a unique ability, one that remains a mystery to most Gods and Goddesses. The River of Rage, a place he owns and controls, appears to be bottomless, holding limitless possibilities. Creatures twice the rise of the river itself have been known to somehow emerge from within it. No one has really figured how how he manages to do this, as he should not possess the magic to summon such beasts. Aside from this, he also has the power to throw anyone into a frenzy, which is why many try to stay away from him and his followers.

  • History

    Long ago, there was nothing, no stars or planets, just an infinite expanse of darkness. There were no forms of life, just nothingness and something later described as Celestial Energy. Celestial Energy is not a physical thing nor being, but rather, a mysterious divine power that seemingly came from nowhere. History tells of a story, when this strange energy collided with itself, creating an explosion that engulfed the whole expanse of space in a brilliant white. When it eventually subsided and died down, it left behind a rift, a glowing ball of distorted matter. This odd occurrence contained unique powers and alone, it managed to create a planet, a star and its moons. This one planet left alone in a sea of darkness, was Arcturus. The Rift that hovered in the sky above the planet then created a divine being with great powers. This was the very first goddess, Divinity. She was the one who single handedly built the universe out of nothing, yet when she almost reached the limits of what she could do, The Rift created a few more goddesses to help her finish what she started. Together, they created planets, creatures to live on them, and made a whole universe filled with untold wonders. All the while, The Rift created more gods and goddesses to help them when they needed it most. Divinity then assigned herself the job to watch over these Deities, essentially being a parent to them, guiding them towards their destinies. After Rage was born, this God was given a role to play. He now lives by the River of Rage and is responsible for everyone’s anger in the universe.


    As with most deities, this god was born from The Rift, a strange phenomenon that resides in the sky above Arcturus. It is believed that an entity lives within this rift, creating deities to fit individual needs and purposes, which is how the planet became its thriving self. After his creation, he was then allocated a role to play by Divinity herself, a role that perfectly suits his unique traits and abilities.

    Current Residence

    As the God of Unbridled Fury, this deity lives in the River of Rage. This place is located on the Isles of Controversy and lies on the western island. It is a river that defies all logic. While those who stare down into it, see it as just a body of water, just a few feet deep, yet beneath the surface, lies a completely different story. This place, along with Hateful City, is owned by Rage, who has somehow mastered the ability to make his river endless, holding limitless possibilities. Aquatic beasts, twice the size of the river itself, have been known to somehow emerge from it, attacking people who happened to be nearby. People are unsure how Rage does this, even the majority of gods/goddesses are perplexed by it, yet they feel it is due to how much power he gets from the anger and rage people have, whether that is on this planet or any other. He feeds on it all, no matter where the hatred comes from, giving him unlimited power.

  • Ancestry

    • Rage was born from the void, making his true ancestry and origins unknown
    • Divinity is the closest thing he has to an ancestor or parent


    • How Rage runs his religion, controls his power and gains greater followings
    • He has a river which appears to bend and break reality. How he manages to do this is his greatest secret, as no one has yet to figure it out


    • As with most deities, this God was born from the mysterious rift above Arcturus
    • It is believed to have created him so the world and universe had anger, a necessary evil to bring about a place of balance