


3 years, 6 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
$50 - $90



Ryuji Hamasaki

Nickname: Ryu and "Young Master"

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Date of Birth: wip

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: The Young Master of an Japanese Empire 

Residency: Kyoto Capital

Size: 4"2'

Theme Song: BAUWZ - Samurai Tales 

Extra: Has shorter legs compared to other beans.

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Ryuji is apart of a family who have established a vast empire in the heart of Japan for many centuries of powerful, yet relatively secretive clan of warriors have protected it's country and people for many years. It is a clan run by the system of the ancient ancestors originated in the lands that dedicated to the preservation of balance between the order, chaos, light, darkness - where these things must exist in perfect harmony for such is the way of the universe.  Ryuji is training to becoming a 'Shadow Fury'; which is an ancient technique of a Japanese warrior only passed through the royal generations. It required him to not allow emotions to clog his judgement to maintain the balance - but sometimes he struggles to do so. It requires him to not allow emotions to clog his judgement to maintain the balance. Many doubt him because of his small size, but his fierce personality showed that no matter what size or shape, he is capable of leading his clan (his father is the leader, but he is next in line). Though he can seem quite serious and come across very stoic and is seen to be fazed by almost nothing, he sometimes struggles to hold it.

Growing up to be something that has been planned all since he was born does not allow him to be free as other beans his age are. Ryuji can judge a person with out even meeting them - usually by observation, he is able to tell just what type of bean they are. He is quite the "people watcher" and prefers to get to know someone by observing them rather than actually interacting with them. He does not hesitate to take action over what is his. He only finds few things important to him, which is why he'll do anything to keep it and protect it.

  • Never backs down a challenge, big or small, facing it like a true warrior even in the face of death.
  • Even though he is shorter than most beans, he is very quick on his paws and a great problem solver. His experience even goes as far as wielding a short kunai knife - which he carries on him at all times.
  • Excels in more practical areas: such as the martial arts, swordplay, and bowman-ship.

Loyal and true to his nature, Ryu is very quick on his paws and a great problem solver. In his spare time, Ryuji loves to write poems in his spare time when he is not training and explore the city. 

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Current Status: 



  • Hana - His apprentice and "younger sister"
  • Jun - A young doctor who lives on his own, Ryuji tends to visit the bean from time to time - whether it is to check up on his health or just catch up for a cup of tea


  • Shinda - A terror that is a dangerous threat to his village

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