


3 years, 6 months ago




Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (maybe around 30?)

Date of Birth: Unknown

Sexuality: Unknown

Occupation: None

Residency: The Black Forest

Size: --

Theme Song: Creature Feature - Bad Blood

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Khlaon is a bean that feels that he is battling between the benevolence and malevolence within himself, thus leading to the struggle with his "split personality” that causes him to have conflicting communications with others, as well as his contradictory of his emotions. Through he has shown to be a charismatic and comedic bean with a somewhat good sense of humour this covers the fact that his mind is much more on a 'psychopath' level, where he'll be excellent at hiding his bad deeds and, when caught, lying about them in a way that seems believable. For that matter, he doesn't care about anyone or anything... and if anyone gets hurt along the way; too bad for them. 

Khalon also has quite the 'energetic' personality and his mood can rapidly fluctuate between extremes; where he can appear completely normal, then can suddenly very grim and serious then next. His attitude can became more joking and casual... but sometimes you never can tell if he are being serious or not. Usually demented and with a strong desire to harm others. His mood changes from anger to seriousness to insanity in an instant. Others don't get how he can be so cynical towards them at times. Dark is chaotic in a sense, he loves breaking people down and is selfish about almost everything. Arrogant, he thinks he's better than the beans he meets. He usually appears 'crazy' - consistently muttering to himself, so others can never tell if he is talking to them or just being a weirdo. Khalon comes across as pretty intimidating and has a laugh that is very hysterical and scary - but honestly, he's a brooding loner, to put it bluntly.

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Current Status: 


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