Iva Kazachansky



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Iva Kazachansky


well over 1000


5'2 (157.48 cm)


December 20th


Rave Music


Unreliable Witnesses


General Personality:

  • While Iva may appear cheery and light, her personality betrays a much darker backstory than she may lead others to believe.
  • Iva, despite her cheer, doesn’t have a lot of faith in humanity, and views them all as either witnesses or suspects, placing everyone into neat little categories based on how suspicious they are to her.
  • She can be ruthless and pragmatic, especially when it comes to solving a case. Her personal feelings on solving a case rarely if ever come into play, simply because she’ll set everything aside in order to focus on the truth and nothing but the truth.
  • Everyone is a suspect in a murder case, including herself.
  • She started her career focusing on solving cold cases and doesn’t seem to have any problems solving a crime based on how long ago it was. In fact, she finds it easier to solve cold cases since the feelings about them will be less raw when she goes searching for information.
  • Otherwise, when not focused on work, she tends to act very sweet and caring. The easiest way to describe her is love-core personified.
  • She’s obsessed with the idea of love, and will often fall in love with others very easily. She gains crushes on just about everybody she meets and will shower them with love and attention to the fullest extent.
  • She has a rocky past when it comes to relationships, and while she does idolize romance and seek it out, she’s also quite terrified of being in an honest relationship with someone and isn’t sure if they’d even stick around long enough to understand the importance she places on her work.
  • She refuses to call herself a detective and gets quite offended when compared to them.
  • She fucks.
  • She TOPS.


  • Under construction