Burr "Beans" Ito



3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Burr "Beans" Ito


Who's Askin?











Languages Spoken



Chaotic Neutral







Headstrong and dedicated, Burr is an aspiring photographer, trying to get the best shots on just about everything. And while she’s definitely gung-ho about getting into scuffles, it’s not exactly her main priority. Her MAIN main priority is the success of her small business! She runs a Taco Truck along with her bestie Cinna M. Twist, and their beloved hairless cat, Baja Blast. They’re trying desperately to work their way up in the world of food trucks, saving up to one day own their own cheap taco restaurant. Smoking cigarettes, being line cooks for their own damn restaurant, hitting on their own damn waiters and waitresses, living the high life. For now, they start with the taco truck!

Quick-witted and audacious, Burr isn’t afraid to disagree with the status quo. In fact, she’s not afraid to disagree with pretty much anything or anyone. Few things light up Miss Burr Ito more than a bit of verbal sparring – and if the conversation veers into controversial terrain, so much the better. It would be a mistake, though, to think of Burr as disagreeable or mean-spirited. Instead, she’s knowledgeable and curious, with a playful sense of humor, and can be incredibly entertaining. She simply has an offbeat, contrarian idea of fun – one that involves a healthy dose of spirited debate (and a net loss of money for you).


Burr is a young woman of average height. She stands at a reasonable 5’7 (but she does wish she had been born taller). She has an incredibly muscular build, although one might mistake it for chub. Burr is built practically, where all her muscles have a reasonable amount of fat to support them. This muscle is built from the copious amount of street brawls she seems to get into, willingly or unwillingly. These same street brawls have given her copious amounts of battle scars.

She has mid-length aqua-blue hair. This is not her natural hair color, but those who know her tend to disagree on what her real natural color is. Baja Blast knows the true answer, but cannot communicate it, as alas, he is a cat. Burr herself will insist that aqua blue is her natural hair color, and until further notice, that is what she will refer to herself as! Her eyes are a rich golden brown that appears yellow in some harsh lighting. 

She can often be seen wearing a dark green or black tank top, a pair of denim shorts, yellow sweatbands, yellow socks, and a pair of red and white sneakers. When engaging in a caged match or a match in some Skill Out fighting pit, she’ll often choose to wear a black tank top and a pair of basketball shorts, along with her usual sweatbands and a mouth guard.

Her demeanor is best described as… cheerfully greedy.

Ability: N/A

She doesn’t have one. Next question. 

What's Her History?:

For many individuals inside Academy City, Burr Ito and her taco truck have been there forever! She simply turned up one day and refused to leave, and it’s been quite the hassle trying to kick her off of so much public property. 

However, the real history of Miss Burr is quite hard to find. She herself makes no business of trying to hide it, people will find what they find of course, but official documentation of her arrival is actually quite sparse. She moved to the city when she was younger, yes, but it does not specify where she moved from. She often talks about growing up on the rough city streets, but again, she never specifies which city streets she was roughing it on. Cinna M Twist, her best friend and co-owner of the taco truck, similarly gives very little information. His own file mirrors hers almost exactly. Their cat, Baja Blast, would tell. Alas, yet again, he is but a hairless cat and cannot communicate in a way that a human would make sense of. Until someone can commune with animals, that’ll be off the table for a while. 

While Burr’s past might appear mysterious and aloof, she refers to it in the most mundane of terms. She doesn’t speak about her hometown because it was “Too boring”. She doesn’t speak of her family because they are “too boring”. And she does not speak of where she learned her street brawling skills because “It would bore you to death”. Hence, very little is known about Burr Ito outside of her close friend group. Burr sees absolutely no reason to talk about herself, when there are much better things to discuss. She’d rather hatch a plan to sabotage the crepe truck, or concoct another scheme to put the taco truck on the map.