$250-300 | Benny Postman (worth log)


Basic Info


~ 220+ usd

bought for

500 ac ~ 1 usd*

usd commissions

~ 80.60 usd

ac commissions

15 070 ac ~ 30 usd*

3D model

100 eur ~ 109 usd

art trades

5 trades, unknown worth atm

personal art

unknown worth atm


*the ac to usd conversation rate when I bought the art works was around [1 usd = 120 ac], due to inflation it is at around [1 usd = 1k ac] currently. Both seems unfair to both me and the possible buyer so I'm working with an "average" of [1 usd = 500 ac].

Art Tracker


Amino Coins

Art Trades

Personal Art
