Catherine Lindberg



3 years, 7 months ago




Age 29

Gender Female

BIRTHDAY April 21st

Job Detective/Cop

Headcanon Seiyuu Kana Hanazawa


❁⃘*.゚General Information

Catherine Lindberg is a kind, bright, and cheerful detective with high sense of justice. She works at Daylily Police HQ as a detective. She became a cop because she loves helping people.

One day, she woke up in an empty classroom and found out that nobody knew her. Her friends and even her mother didn't recognized her. Everyone said that "Catherine Lindberg" was already long dead. In her confusion, a grim reaper named Altair came to her and asked her to solve a case.

After talking with Altair, she found out that she was brought into "The World Where She Died" by a grim reaper named Altair. He asked her to uncover the mystery behind "Catherine Lindberg"'s death and promised her to take her back to her real world after she solves the case. She had no choice to agree to help him.

As a cop, Catherine loves helping people. She is also good at solving puzzle and often found the keys to solve a case. But sometimes she loses confident and it makes her not sure of her capability to handle a case.

When she stares at someone's eyes, she can read what that person thinks about her. Does that person like her? Or judge her? Or hate her? She can read such emotions through their eyes.

She loves drinking hot chocolate and always drinks it before sleeping. For her, hot chocolate is like her comfort drink. She also loves chocolate and every sweets that uses chocolate. Beside hot chocolate, she loves alcohol. When she is very tired or depressed, she drinks a lot until she is drunk. When drunk, she will be a little bit clingy and crybaby.

Catherine is strong. She is skilled at shooting target and judo. Her skills really help her to catch bad guys and defend herself. Even though she is strong, she easily cries, especially when feel scared, angry, panic, or see a cockroach.

She dislikes being alone because she easily feels lonely. She dislikes eating alone. She prefers not to eat rather than eating alone.

Her hobby is writing stories and poem. She always writes them on her notebook or her computer.

She loves singing even though she is tone deaf and has horrible voice when singing.

❁⃘*.゚The World Where Catherine Died

In the world "Where Catherine died", Catherine was given a new name by Altair to conceal her real identity because "Catherine Lindberg was not supposed to be alive". If Catherine keeps using her real name, she will be in danger because grim reapers would hunt her and take her soul. And the new name is "Katarina Lindberg". Her friends in this world call her by nickname "Kat".

She gave her real nickname-"Cat" -to the "Died Catherine" because she couldn't stand Altair called "Died Catherine" with her full name. "Cat" became the code for "Died Catherine".

Because in this world everyone she knows don't remember her, she must act like she just met them for the first time. She is good at acting and creating stories so that's not really a problem. Though, sometimes she slipped her tounge and says something that she shouldn't have known and made people a little bit suspicious on her.

Solving Cat's death wasn't easy for Catherine. Not only it was an old case, Catherine must see the photos of her younger self became a corpse. It was nightmare to her. Sometimes, when Altair explained the chronology of the events, Catherine imagined it happened on her because "Cat" was basically her.

Catherine often used Altair for her benefits like making him eating with her because she dislikes eating alone, helping her with chores, evidence storage, or just using him when she needs someone to talk to.

Catherine feels like Altair is younger than her even though Altair already exists for over 100 years. She loves teasing Altair just to see his pouting/embarrassed face. She also love stroking Altair's fluffy hair even though she knows Altair dislikes it when she does that.

With her bright and cheerful personality, she could blend in to the Serious Crime Division in this world and immediately joined the group chat of young cops called "Polisi Kece" created by Jack, despite she is the "new kid" at the division and her friends in the force didn't recognize her.

She knew that Clive in this world wasn't her boyfriend but she still loves him. She always tried to flirt at him. Sometimes she is having a thought about she is cheating on her real world Clive or not if she flirts at Clive in this world.

❁⃘*.゚Catherine's Real World

In her real world, she was called "Cat" by her friends. She was bright and smart police. But she often came late because of overslept and made her receiving embarassing punishments from The Inspector.

Catherine was also Clive's girlfriend in her real world. She really loves him. It made her felt very lonely when Clive from the world "Where Catherine Died" didn't recognize her.

Catherine and Clive are so lovey dovey. Sometimes they live together in Catherine's apartment. Because Catherine dislikes eating alone, Clive always ate with her.

The red hairclip she wears was a pair, but one of them broken in a fight. Catherine fought with a bad guy. In interrogation, the bad guy tried to flee. Then when Catherine finally caught him and restrained his movement, the bad guy hit her hard and broke her hairclip. It made her so furious. Then, she committed police brutality and beat the shit out of him. She was so furious because the hairclip was gift from Clive.

After being stopped by The Inspector, she cried because her hairclip was broken. Her friends and The Inspector tried to calm her down but she kept crying. Even though she was injured, the only thing she thought was her broken hairclip. Clive came to Daylily Police HQ from Prosecutor's Office to calm her down and said he will buy a new one. But, Catherine didn't want a new hairclip because the hairclip was very precious for her. Clive took her home.

Catherine was suspended for 3 weeks because of police brutality she committed. She didn't care and ask Clive to give the bad guy a death penalty if he prosecuted the bad guy. Catherine remained in a bad mood for 2 weeks long.

"I want to be a cop that can help everyone."

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