Mothri Dellur Ludiivan II



3 years, 7 months ago


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STAGE: Adult

ID: He/Him, They/Them

RACE: Mothling


SIZE: 6 ft tall (before) 7 ft tall (after)


ORIGINS: The Insecta Kingdom

HIS: Mothri, is a clone of his mother, who had raised him to be unaware of this fact. During his childhood, he was often the target of rebellious subjects who had attempted to murder the Ludiivan family. After an incident with a particular kind of poison, and varying levels of trauma and emotional shutoffs, Mothri was left with the inability to show expressions outwardly, or to otherwise, speak only in a monotone voice. This can make him seem rather offputting if you cannot read him well. Though, Mothri has a very caring, yet cunning personality, as he was also trained to be an assassin when Motte had vanished, only forcing him to seal himself away to keep up the persona of a killer Mothling.

When Motte went missing, Mothri was sent out to find him, having landed himself among a crew, that also happened to have Carrot on there as well. An incident occurred, and Mothri decided to set off searching elsewhere, tracking down his last appearance in a city, where Elip had taken Motte and dropped him off with Callie, though this was not known to him at the time of Encountering Elip. After some time of tracking Motte down, Mothri decided to become part of another crew, as someone his mother wanted dead was on that ship, as a sort of side mission. However, he became quickly distracted by Doctor Oatmeal and made a few mistakes when it came to being so distracted.
Mothri fell for Oatmeal, completing neither mission until much later. 

When his mother, The Queen discovered what had happened, she raided the ship, and after a good chase and a few concerning injuries, The Queen was killed, and Mothri was temporarily set free from her orders. This caused a trigger within his body and made him slowly transform into a Queen morph of a Mothling, making him much larger and shifting color, from grey to snow white.

There was a little adventure to Dust Bunny Island, which is where Mothri and Oatmeal's children had been left since the ship could not hold the excess amount of passengers.

After leaving, they returned to the ship, and other adventures happened, like Mothri requesting the Enlightenment be stolen and taken to him, in fear of the lack of a Queen to watch over the Kingdom, though this was not the case. During the return of the Enlightenment, Mothri was tricked by Tapho, a Beetleling scientist who worked under The Queen and was in charge of creating Clones that would serve as The queen's vessels. She had convinced a sleep-deprived Mothri to sit in a chair, to supposedly learn about his mother's intentions, but it was actually a sort of mind-replacing machine, that had only completed halfway. With the two minds having merged, and also being two separate individuals, Mothri broke free and attacked, and killed Tapho in cold blood, and then setting the lab aflame, causing panic within the castle.

He returned to The Ship, covered in burn injuries, singed fluff, and a mind haunted by his mother.

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