


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Arin Beladona


17, 21 by the end of the story (Birthday: November 17th)


Female (she/her)


Beastfolk (scolopendra)


153 cm/5'0 ft.


Bugs, dark magic, potions, her familiars, staying at home


Mosquitos, insectivore animals, bothersome people, intense sunlight


Arin is... not a very social person at all. She very much prefers to be alone with her familiars, living in peace. She's blunt, not measuring at all the words she uses when talking to others, just to express her disdain. She's very protective of herself, her familiars and her stuff, and would probably get enraged and revenge-seeking if something got broken or stolen. She's not one to forgive easily. However, she's usually in a calm mood, not minding much whatever happens outside of her small home. She does occasionally like to meet up with her older sister, Fenna, but even when they tend to end up talking about visiting their parents, they just end up lazing around every time. She does care about Fenna, and often gives her advice or tries to shake off her laziness. They also like to spar from time to time. She strives to improve her skills, and is kind of a perfectionist when it comes to others, but even more about herself.


The daughter of a wizard and his scolopendra familiar, an unsociable witch who loves all insects except for mosquitos. She's not a mage, despite having two familiars (a giant beetle which she uses as a ride and a giant scolopendra) and kinda looking like one; instead, she uses a wind magic-enhanced spear, dragoon-style. She lives an isolated life in the outskirts of Althea Village, in an underground house.

Arin's daily routine changes once her sister Fenna, as the substitute guildmaster of Melantha Guild, decides for the new members Ivessa, Elsa and Persia to go seek her to accompany them on a quest, since they are mostly new to the job and the guild is kinda short in members at the moment. Very reluctantly, Arin ends up joining their group, "just this once"...