


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Etelka (prefers not to use her surname, Amarok)


47, 51 by the end of the story (Birthday: January 17th)


Female (she/her)




168 cm/5'6 ft.


Studying, old legends, observing nature


Rayner, being judged because of her ancestor, the heat, summer


Etelka is a very serious person, but not unsociable. However, she picks her acquaintances very carefully. Unconsciously intimidates people often. Being compared to her ancestor bothers her a bit, since it sometimes causes other people to hate her without reason, like Rayner. She doesn't mind the rivalry that has grown between them, but she doesn't have any special resentment against him, other than seeing his hate as irrational (though this irrationality irks her quite a bit). She prefers to listen to other people instead of talking, and is very attentive to details. Especially, she is very enthusiastic about biology and studying nature and living beings. Probably brings a notebook everywhere to write down interesting things she sees. Making her angry is a bad idea.


Currently one of the two guildmasters of Melantha Guild along with her lifelong rival, Rayner. She's an experienced ice mage.

She used to live in the region of Glacier, the coldest place of the continent. Everyone expected great achievements from all the descendants of Frieda Amarok, her ancestor, so she received both respectful treatment and jealous stares. That is, until the so-called Great Disaster of Glacier brought extreme cold to her land, making it uninhabitable. Lots of people, her parents included, couldn't flee on time, but Etelka managed to join one of the evacuation transports for the youngest people. After receiving aid from the southern cities of the continent, she started living on her own as an adventurer mage, with the help from the friends she made afterwards. After many adventures, Etelka decided to set up Melantha Guild with the help of her companions, with a special goal in mind...

She and Rayner are currently on a long trip, following the tracks of Amarok's mace, her ancestor Frieda's weapon, in the now frozen and abandoned lands of Glacier.