Aureli Stellacourt (Aureli (Slice of Life))



2 years, 5 months ago


The Essentials


People said you couldn't job-change to Gremlin, but here we are... Aureli is an outgoing girl, always up for fun, always excitable, and always getting intro trouble. Although she's a classically trained Astrologian, you really wouldn't think it with how she presents herself. She's the exact sort of person to get into a knife-fight with a Cactuar, which is confirmed because she has (the lawsuit is ongoing).

In her spare time, Aureli is heavily invested in the "Final Fantasy" anime (the MSQ), and is a huge fangirl for anything Ascian or Sin Eater based. She's known at conventions, and commonly wears her cosplays in public.

Short & Average


Important Details:
  • Monocle: Wears a monocle when reading, but often forgets to take it off.
  • Cerberus: Always has a small Mandragora Queen minion out. Queenie often weilds a tiny knife.

Character Themes
  • Astrology: Due to her class, spacial imagery is a common go-to.

Further Reading

"Yeah, I run a Emet-Selch fanblog with like... 6000 followers."

People said you couldn't job-change to Gremlin, but here we are.

Adopted and raised by a well-off family of Healers, Aureli somehow still turned out like a spoilt shitlord. Despite being a full-grown adult with a fiancé (Ely) and a job, Aurelli almost always wakes up and chooses chaos. Once got into a knife-fight with a Cactuar but that's all we're allowed to say because the law-suit is still on-going.

In Aureli's world, the FFXIV MSQ is actually a long-running anime-series. Aureli is a massive fangirl, and will often be found running around in Ascian or Sin-Eater cosplay, and striking poses of her favourite characters. Some people say she's embarressing, but she's having the time of her life.

Character Songs

'Killer Queen' - Queen

-- general vibes
Caviar and cigarettes
Well-versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice
She's a Killer Queen

'Tower of Babel' - Elton John

-- on the mortals she observes
It's party time for the guys in the tower of Babel
Sodom meet Gomorrah, Cain meet Abel
Have a ball y'all, See the letches crawl
With the call girls under the table
Watch them dig their graves
`Cause Jesus don't save the guys
In the tower of Babel