Deimos Sun



3 years, 7 months ago


【 Name 】 Sun Deimos【 Nicknames 】"suns33ker"
【 Age 】 21 years old【 Gender 】 gnc (he/him)
【 Height 】 6' 0" | 1,83 m【 Orientation 】Gay
【 D.O.B 】November 13th, 2201 ♏【 Ethnicity 】 East Asian (Korean)
【 Nationality 】American【 Talent 】 Polymath
【 Role/Story 】 Chapter 3 Victim | Wonderland Park【 Playlist 】I'LL ONLY DISAPPOINT YOU


【 Appearance 】
Deimos is a tall, slender man. His somewhat light skin is dotted with small freckles and his short hair is dyed with two shades of pink; a softer tone on top and a darker one on the bottom. Alongside his piercings, he is always seen wearing an earring of an interrogation point on his right ear. His modest clothes can be easily mistaken for pajamas.

【 Personality 】
A broken ace who’s desperately searching for a purpose in life, Deimos is a lazy, carefree dude who has the entire world in the palm of his hand, but can’t manage to hold the weight of it. He never thinks about the consequences of his actions, since that’s no fun at all β€” and having fun is definitely a priority in his daily life, if not the only one, at a moment he feels so lost about what to do and who to be. Deimos is an instant expert at everything he tries to pursue as a hobby, which is why everything becomes boring and utterly meaningless so quickly.

Deimos tries to be as chillaxed as he can be, cracking a joke whenever it fits. He's friendly, funny and easy to get along with... but when you try to connect to him on a deeper level, he’s blunt and impenetrable, a man who is clearly not in touch with his feelings or other people’s.
There's nothing there.

Or, nothing that he wants to show.

Good Traits
Easygoing, funny, relaxed, extroverted

Bad Traits
Selfish, indelicate, unmotivated, secretive

【 Background 】

【 Other Info 】
⭐ Deimos was the runner-up in my oc poll!
- His voice sounds like this! And so does his twin's.
- Doesn't like sweets very much, but when he does eat them, raspberry is his favorite flavor.
- Knows how to play guitar and often proposes to start a band with strangers. Obviously, they never become real.
- Awful with names and with committing to friendships in general. This guy will ghost you at any given chance.
- Deimos is a broken ace. He succeeds in pretty much anything he tries to do, to the point where life has become boring to him.
- Has a pet ferret. It probably has a name but I forgot.
- His kin onion / characters he was based on can be found here!

【 Design Notes 】
- His question mark earring is always on the right ear!
- Deimos' piercings are: three regular piercings and an industrial piercing on his right ear, two piercing on his left ear and snake bites.