Sasha's Comments

Fact #1: He Killed for the first time when he was about 8 years old, a girl who was 10 when she tried to steal from him, and her 4 year old younger brother, something he considered a mercy, given he wouldn't survive alone in the harsh area he grew up in.

Fact #2: Sasha joined the russian military at 16, both from false documantation, and people who just didn't care, though it only lasted a year before he abanoned the postion. He just used it to give himself some dicipline because he knew he was ending up in a very dark place and didnt want to completely lose what morality he had. That and to learn how to use guns.

Fact #3: He actually has a huge soft spot for childen, likely from the slight guilt her feels from killing the two (more specifically the innocent boy) when he was young. He doesn't take joy in the blood of the innocent.

Fact #4: If you hadn't guessed, he's an assassin.

Fact #5: Has a HUGE sweet tooth. Especially for cakes, Sponge cake with whip cream frosting and sliced strawberries more specifically. He likes to pick the strawberries off and eat them last.

Fact #6: He's rather deceptive, even in his apperance. While not scrawny in apperance, he doesn't really look very muscular either, which can lead to people thinking he's weaker than he is. He's actually very lean and hides his muscle behid his nice button up shirts. 

Fact #7: Probably looks amazing in a wife beater.

Fact #8: His parents died when he was young and his brother abandoned him as a child, around 7 I think.