Alec O'Byrne's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

starcaptn Global Rules


  • Feel free to tweak and edit the design, please don't edit the original art though without my permission!
  • Once yours, you may use the design and repurpose them for whatever you like! Things like gender, body type and personality are all up to you.
  • Trading, regifting and reselling is allowed, please do not resell them for any kind of profit though.
  • Don't claim the original design as your own and remember to credit when appropriate!
  • Whilst I won't reclaim them under any circumstances, if I see you doing anything I don't agree with using my designs (e.g. whitewashing, hatespeech, incestous/pedophilic art, gross fetishy stuff) I will block and blacklist you. Don't use my designs for that kind of stuff please.