Viktor Ivanov



3 years, 10 months ago


Viktor Ivanov

protective • independent • forgetful

Viktor Ivanov
mid thirties
lean, strong and quite muscular build
former soldier, runaway, berserker
stoic, guarded, loner

"My sunshine brought me hope that i thought i lost long ago..."

Viktor Ivanov is one of the corrupted soldiers from Russia that were meant to be used as weapons during winter war. Luckily he managed to escape to avoid being further corrupted. The corruption had left him feeling numb, he hardly felt any of his emotions and was easily triggered when threatened. He hid away from people, not knowing where to go, until met people who were kind enough to let him stay in their home even if he was dangerous.



Viktor isn't very talkative with people. He prefers to listen people rather than talk depending on the conversation that is being shared. If he has something to say, he will say it even if his words tend to be blunt and honest and careless depending whom he is talking to. Duo to lack of feeling his emotions, he has no shame of being very honest or even harsh. He is aware that people have feelings yet he has difficulties of trying to understand them. But that has changed slowly after he met people that has taught him how to feel again and be more caring. He is quite happy to feel long lost emotions for once than be numb.


Viktor Ivanov is from a family of farmers. His childhood wasn't easy in there, he wasn't fond of being part of the agriculture there and avoided doing work in the farm by going elsewhere with his friends. During younger age he did get into trouble and was lectured a lot for behaving badly, but he got away with it most of the time while his sister Vera had to do most of the work or clean up his mess. Those two were good brother and sister to each other, despite Vera was bossier than him yet he didn't seem to mind it. When he got older, he met a fine girl that soon got together with him except the relationship didn't last long when the girl found someone more interesting than him. He was heartbroken by it, which lead up him soon joining in the military. And for being a thaumaturgist (owned by lizzard2wizard4 in instagram) he was quickly taken advantage of which lead up to being corrupted badly. Cause of corruption he became more numb, a perfect weapon to terrify the enemy and invade other countries. That's how he became a berserker like the rest, yet he managed to not get fully corrupted.

When a war was declared upon Finland. Viktor was soon released with the rest to take down the Finnish soldiers and expected to return. He did not come back, he instead took the chance to flee not wanting to become a mindless soldier. He soon found himself lost after running for a while, accidentally running into other Russian who called himself as Lucifer (Aleksandr Byrne belongs to Valenumbra). Oddly enough the fellow Russian offered shelter for Viktor which he gladly accepted. Through Lucifer he met Lyudmila (owned by valenumbra) and started bonding with her, ending up liking her a lot and actually developing feelings thanks to her. He became more affectionate and caring, even loving too.


  • His favorite flower is Crocus specious.
  • Viktor learned how to handle his stress and temper through smoking, which is a bad habit he has but he has slowly smoked less after meeting Mila.
  • After being corrupted, Viktor los some of his memories even forgot about his last name and relatives he has. He has slowly started to remember things and shares his memories with Mila.
  • Viktor is also known as the garbage man for being such a odd Russian. He doesn't mind the nickname.
  • He is very affectionate around Mila and tends to spoil her with his affections, always drowning her with sweet meaningful words to make her feel special and happy because she is making him feel happy and special.



Lyudmila Vasiliev [ girlfriend ]

Viktor met Mila through Lucifer whom came to visit. Soon the two ended up talking time to time and Viktor was quite surprised that Mila always approached him and showed genuine interest of him, and wasn't even bothered by his looks. He later fell for her, and showed his great interest towards her that lead up the two dating. The two are the cuddliest couple, and very loving towards each other. Viktor thinks Mila is his sunshine, always bringing joy to him that he wants to return to her. He even looks forward proposing to her in the future.


Adding later [ relationship ]

Later shall be added ;).

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