Cordelia Adams




In the same moment I love my enemy, that is when I destroy them.

name cordelia florence adams
gender cis woman
pronouns she/her
orientation lesbian
age 27
birthday january 16th
measurements 5'3" - 115lbs
ultimate strategist
role ??? / HS
Unclench your fists, my love, the war is over.
I've forgotten how to uncurl my finger from the trigger.
Sleep, my love, the war is over now.
I don’t remember what it’s like not to have gunsteel in my bones.
Kiss me, my lover, the war is over now.
My fingers still drip red and i do not want to stain you with them.
extroverted introverted
instinctive calculated
polite sassy
deceptive sincere
indifferent emotional
reserved affectionate
lone wolf team player
mbti intj
alignment true neutral
leading trait quick-witted
biggest flaw cold

Design notes

  • Cordelia has long wavy hair that reaches down to her hips. Her bangs are parted to the side and she has two locks of hair framing her face. Some of her hair is pulled up into a bun.
  • She has a long face with a long, thin nose. Her eyes are almond shaped with long eyelashes and crystal blue eyes. On Cordelia's right cheek is a beauty mark.
  • Due to her arthritis, Cordelia should always be drawn with her cane. If not, then she should at least have something (or someone) for support.
  • Her crown is a diadem headband. It is flat and goes straight up.
  • Overall, Cordelia has a very slim and petite frame with small breasts and narrow shoulders. Her build is noticably weak.

but i keep snapping at goliath's hands with all of my tiny might.


CORDELIA ADAMS IS THE ULTIMATE STRATEGIST, a cruel figure imposing herself as a shadow over most if not all, achievements of the modern German army. Seen by most as a machine fueled by her own intelligence, Cordelia is sharper than any blade and reigning in twice as much blood, doing anything to reach her own victory. With a furrowed brow and a constant displeased grimace, it is said she can strategize her and her compatriots’ way out of any situation. A strategist always knows what to do seconds before her opponent, often used in terms of warfare though still applied to more methodical mental uses such as politics or games such as chess. In Cordelia’s definition, however, she is a world-class tactician and diplomat for the German army, utilizing more than just grit and wit to get the outcome she seeks.


Cordelia is... cold. It's the easiest way to put it, hardened by the world around her into a shell of a woman. She does not speak kindly to others and especially not men, hardboring a distrust and even hate for most, if not all of them. There's no one she'd ever find herself confiding in, and often sticks tightly to her guns. Wound tight in every way, Cordelia harbors strong feelings on most everything, though most particularly on war and strategy. It's her ballpark afterall — and the positive outlook she takes on such a matter isn't anything people see kindly.

hometown windsor, england
ethnicity white
zodiac sagittarius

trope iron lady
d.e. skill authority
animal ram

voice claim caitlyn kiramman
playlist ♪♫♪

fave food oysters
fave drink white tea

various trivia

  • cordelia is my oldest oc i still have kicking around! she's from decemeber 2019. craziness.... she's been through a redesign and a complete overhaul.
  • as you might have assumed, cordelia's favorite chess piece is the queen.
  • though she'll never admit it, cordelia adores period dramas and particularly romances. pride and prejudice, jane eyre, that sort of thing.
  • cordelia can speak six languages with varied fluency. they are english, german, italian, polish, russian, and french.
  • she also can play five instruments, those being piano, clarinet, tenor saxophone, violin, and cornet. she's quite the perfectionist if you couldn't tell.
  • game theory
  • flag burning
  • yellowed paper
  • boundary maps
  • men
  • brutality
  • pseudoscience
  • red poppies
  • reading
  • playing music
  • attending operas
  • shooting
